NASBA State Score-Release Loophole? - Page 7

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  • #157264

    Hey Jeff,

    Did we ever come to a conclusion about the loophole where you go to apply for a section and the error message indicates if you passed or not?

    For example, I am waiting on AUD, my last section, and when I go to apply to sit for re-examination, I get the following message:

    We are sorry. Our system shows that you have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination. If you have questions, please call your Coordinator at the number given below. Please call the number below.




    REG 78; BEC 84; FAR 94; AUDIT 93

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  • #221108

    Based on what I have seen, its bad luck….. I plan on doing what I have been doing each night on score release day for the past 2 ,, I buy a six pack of Yuengling, order me some extremely spicy chinese food and blast Springsteen… all while hitting F5 repeatedtly with my hand covering the lower right hand portion of my monitor…


    Do you have to through the entire sign up again? I did. References, etc… So I just quit. Did anyone else have this problem w/the loophole?


    How long after AICPA release does the loophole work?




    I don't think Springsteen would appreciate you blasting him after eating extremely spicy Chinese food! =)

    BEC 89, REG 78, AUD 76, FAR 7/6


    Can someone help me find where i can get my jurisdiction ID #?


    Is this your first time taking the exam? and are you a NASBA state? (NY and NJ among others are such states)

    If this is your first time taking the exam, you have to call up NASBA to receive it, or you must wait until you get the score back and it will be on the paper… If you are a returning candidate, it will be on that piece of paper you received from NASBA with your previous score…

    I cannot speak for non-NASBA states… : )


    I am in GA a NASBA state.

    When I log on to my website on to NASBA, BEC, test I am waiting for is grayed out.


    I called NASBA before I got my first scores back to schedule my next exam & they were able to give it to me over the phone. Not that it mattered or will matter for this loophole thing, rescheduling online always gave me error messages & I had to call to reschedule. Anyone else have that?


    Here is my situation –

    I am in PA. Just tried the OH site and it says all exams are in process. Is this good or bad? Does it mean anything. I took BEC on 3/1/10…


    I don't believe the process is instantaneous, only the AICPA releases the scores, it does not necessarily mean that NASBA received them,;it doesn't take much time, just time to transmit, time to decouple the data etc., release them for “review” to “the states”, which most states is just a perfunctory review (WI is not one of those states), and then authorize for the release via the NASBA website…

    In sum, based on the information provided from the various contributors the loophole only works in the day 8-16 hours before the actual release on the NASBA website…


    If people are waiting for the score of their 4th exam and the message switches to you've passed all, then that's probably when most people can use it to check their exam status and if they are able/unable to re-register for a section. Post and let us know if your message changes! 🙂

    AUD- 82 BEC- 87 FAR- 97 REG- 96


    Well just wanted you guys to know that I just tried this myself for BEC. Went to the OH website last night and tried and it told me that my scores were in process. Tried it again this morning and it just told me that I have already passed all parts of the Uniform CPA Examination. I live in TN and this was my last section to pass and BEC scores were released to NASBA yesterday at 5:30 pm. So now I'm waiting until tonight to officially see if I passed.


    Dsauce – same thing happened to me. Last night it said all score were in process, now it says I have passed all parts. Does anyone thing this is a reliable indication???


    I tried last night and it would not let me re-register for BEC, so I had hope. This morning, I tried again, and now it is letting me re-register for BEC, so I guess I will be taking it again. 🙁 Should be able to see my score tonight.


    It is doing the same thing to me today as it did last night. My BEC exam is still grayed out.

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