Mild panic attack during last week of studying

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  • #196185
    Laura M.

    Hello! So I have passed AUD before but lost credit due to time…stinks! So I am retaking next Monday. I was doing well on all my prep and then got into the NINJA MCQ last week. Now all my confidence is shot!!! I guess this is normal but I am sorta freaking out. Anyone else used NINJA MCQ for review after another course and freaked out! I know I can pass this but I do know it has been 2 years since I took it the first time so I have to study like its the first time. I am just getting anxious! Any last week study tips?? I am hoping to get through ALL the MCQ by Friday and use Saturday and Sunday for re-writing notes and last minute topics.

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ

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  • #687397

    I am having the same issue, except using the Wiley testbank. I am studying with Becker originally and was spot on with the questions and able to identify the answers thoroughly. Once i started Wiley I'm honestly getting 75% wrong than 75% right. I am actually looking for the same type of advice.

    Laura M.

    Good luck! I am just hoping with lots and lots of MCQ I will start getting more and more correct! It is just freaking me out though with only a week to understand everything I need to know!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ


    I originally used Kaplan as my primary study course. After failing REG twice, I knew I needed something new. I started using NINJA MCQ, but only 2 weeks before my test. I felt like the NINJA tested a lot more/a lot better than Kaplan. I also enjoyed the reasoning behind all the answers that you get. Make sure you use the “only new questions” feature (maybe switch back and forth between regular and only new), and look at a few SIMS.

    I'm still waiting for my score, but I know that using NINJA will make my score higher than it would've been without.

    B - 80
    A - 80
    R - 71, 59, 74, 80 FINALLY!
    F - 77

    Used Kaplan for FAR, BEC, AUD, and the first 2 REG attempts. I started using NINJA about 2 weeks before my 3rd REG attempt. I believe it's why I was so close to passing and why I passed the 4th time. USE IT FROM THE BEGINNING.


    Hi there,

    By far AUD was the hardest one for me so far. My advice is to review your notes and concepts….Audit is more conceptual than practice. Read carefully each question and do not confuse with wording.


    FAR - 77 x2 Wiley book & no test bank
    AUD - 83 x3 NINJA Test bank 3 time
    REG - 80 x1 NINJA Test bank
    BEC - 78 X2 NINJA Test bank ..done!!promesa cumplida mama -que llege al cielo 🙂
    Ethic 100% Licensed VA CPA

    Laura M.

    Thanks yall! I think passing once (but then losing credit) is just horrible for studying. You want think you know it all but you have to remember you took it so long ago! The NINJA MCQ really is putting me in my place!

    @aj2013. I took reg twice. 68 and 74 and then for my third try only did NINJA and got a 91! I know NINJA works for REG!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ


    The beauty and the curse of the NINJA MCQ is that it will thoroughly kick your butt. From what I've seen the phrasing is the most difficult of the different software available and the most similar to the CPA exam, so while it makes me feel like a complete idiot, I know it's covering more material than the study courses can and it's giving me good practice with reading and interpreting questions.

    Basically- it's okay and just keep working through them making sure to read and understand the why's behind the right and wrong answers. Good Luck!

    AUD- 95
    FAR- 75
    BEC- 83
    REG- 85

    Officially done! Exclusively used NINJA for BEC, REG, and FAR


    I've been drinking one or two lite beers before I study at night…so I don't freak out too bad. It makes me laugh at my mistakes after a re-read the question, rather than wanting to yell or punch walls.

    FAR 72, 89
    BEC 80
    REG 90
    AUD 79

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