MCQ Study Strategy

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  • #2057447
    Steve K

    Hi all! So I have a question regarding everyone’s multiple choice strategies.
    1.) When people say “drill MCQ’s” do they mean do that every day while studying for the exam or only during your final review? Also to clarify, I am specifically talking about NINJA MCQ.
    I have Becker and so as many of you know, there are MCQ sets at the end of each module so is it more beneficial for me to do those and then just hammer NINJA MCQ during my review stage? The reason why I am asking is because I wanted to start doing about 50-75 MCQ’s a day from NINJA but im not sure if it is an effective strategy considering I haven’t gotten through the audit book yet.

    Any comments are greatly appreciated.

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  • #2077955

    When people say “drill MCQs” they aren't messing around. Do them constantly, do them until you're sick of then.

    I would absolutely recommend doing 50 – 75 MCQ a day if you can find the time. There's no downside. They will help you understand the material better. I'll give you a personal example of how they help me:

    I have a rough time getting through the book and lectures and actually understanding and absorbing the material. I need the “shock” of getting an MCQ on the topic wrong, and an explanation why, for it to stick in my memory, and in the future I recognize it in the lectures/book


    agreed with Rlarivee. I studied every over day for 2 – 3 hours, in the evenings after work. And then about 8 hours on weekends. I would do about 30 mins to an hour of lecture watching and reading and then do as many 30 question testlets (Roger review) as I could fit in to that 2/3 or 8 hour test chunk. Usually did 30 to 90 on the weeknight session and about double that on weekends.

    By the time i had taken my 4 exams I had completed ALL of the Roger test bank questions for all sections and had kept a running word doc file where I'd copy and paste in any questions and their explanation from the review course for the ones I got wrong.

    I would then spend the last week or so before exam date just only reading that word doc again and again. I did much better on these tests than I thought I would and passed them all on the firs try. It's not an IQ test its all about how regimented and disciplined can you by in your studying.


    I prep with Wiley and do the MCQs after each video but I do not touch any again until my review phase. I spend 2-3 weeks basically doing nonstop MCQs in Ninja during my free time prior to my test.


    Drill MCQ = during your final review AND during your niNja phase … so ni(N)j(A) phases, if that makes sense.

    Steve K

    Thanks guys! Got audit in 6 days and am hoping I could pull off a 75. Have been in the final review stage and just doing MCQ's when I can. Trying to do about 300 per day. Currently trending at 75% but its been going up recently.

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