May I get any refund if I cancel it

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  • #158908
    sixth sense

    I scheduled AUD on Nov.30th, but still need to take FAR in the middle of Nov. as well.

    Can anybody tell me if I cancel AUD 30+days before my scheduled day(Nov.30), may I get any refund of examnation fees?

    My understanding is once you apply and get NTS, you couldn’t get any refund of fees. U only can re-schedule it before it is expired.

    Am I right? If I couldn’t get any refund, all I need to do is just go there and to see what AUD looks like…..

    Thanks for answering.

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  • #255097

    what is your expiration of your NTS? If it is in January or February, then why not just reschedule AUD for Jan or Feb?

    peter olinto fan

    Sorry, but I think you are right. Once you have your NTS, you will not be able to get a refund. If you take FAR in the middle of November, you still have two weeks to cram for AUD. It isn't ideal by any means, but it gives you a shot and you are able to see what is like for the next time, if needed. Also, you don't just “lose” the money spent on it then. Good luck!

    FAR - 81
    BEC - 73, 73, 79
    REG - 72, 75
    AUD - 72, 68, 82


    sixth sense

    My Aud's NTS will be expired on Dec.3rd.

    So…i don't have chance to reschedule.

    I also heard that If you get any of section graded below 50, you will lose all the credits which you already passed.

    That is the only reason I concern whether I should cancel.


    sixthsense- Getting below 50 on the new exam does not cause you to lose credit on previous exams passed only the expired 18month window can do that. That rule applied only to the older paper and pencil format.

    BEC-Passed, Reg-Passed, Aud-Passed, FAR- Nov 30, 2010 -PASSED

    sixth sense


    Thank you for your information. Are you sure about that?

    I forgot where I saw or heard the “50” rules and that makes me more worried to consider if i should cancel.

    Ur updated very helpful, and if u r right, i don't need to be worried, and just go “dating” with it.

    Thanks again


    sixth sense- Yes, I am pretty sure that the 50 above requirement is no longer applicable. You probably heard that from someone who took the exam before 2004 when the old format was still in place. Here's link to the NASBA that should ease your fears:

    BEC-Passed, Reg-Passed, Aud-Passed, FAR- Nov 30, 2010 -PASSED


    Back in the day when I first sat (2001) for the old pencil and paper version you had to get at least 50 on any sections you failed as well as pass at least 2 of the 4 parts in order to keep any credit.

    The paper version is much nicer in that regard.


    AUD has the least amount of content, I would recommend cramming and taking the test before it expires. Either that or make up an excuse and apply to your board to get an extension to take it at the beginning of January. The worst that can happen is you fail and have a good idea what to look for and study going forward. Otherwise its basically like watching 3 benny franklins blow away in the wind!

    FAR-1/04- 86 KAPLAN Review
    REG-5/12- 89 MN Licensed CPA
    BEC-7/17- 81 ETHICS - 100
    AUD-8/31- 85

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