Just took audit

  • This topic has 14 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #159524

    Well, I took audit for the first time today…it is definitely not one of my stronger subjects. But for all those who are wondering and worried about 2011, I will share with you my experience.

    First testlet included everything I expected to see. A couple of the questions were word for word Becker Review questions, and may have not even had the order of the choices changed…that is how familiar they looked.

    Second testlet, I believe was a little harder than the first, again a lot bunch of Becker questions, only this time the answer choices varied from the review material.

    Third testlet was difficult in the beginning, but then seemed like the last couple questions were cake compared to what I had seen on the rest of the exam.

    I finished the mc sections with nearly 2 hrs and 15 minutes left. I am hoping I didn’t go to fast and misread some questions and answer choices. All in all, I felt seemingly confident moving on to the simulations.

    And then……the simulation took about a minute to a minute and a half to load…i almost when and got the prometric lady. The first tab was fairly easy. It seems like on some of the tabs, they want you to use the research tab…because they now include a separate research sub tab included with all the individual tabs…i think Becker’s 2011 software also does this. Tabs 2,3, and 4 were very difficult for me. They all included an area in which I had some trouble understanding, and needless to say took some very educated guesses on hoping to get some credit. 4 was an area that I do not believe Becker had covered at all, and I had wished taken FAR before Audit because it would have definitely helped for this tab. Research tab was a 50/50 chance…these to me either seem impossible or stupid easy…no in between.

    I honestly doubted seeing much new material, and this was seemingly the case (I hope I can say that)

    All in all, I believe it was a fair test. Hardly anything I hadn’t seen in my review material. I’m hoping that the sims didn’t hurt me too bad now that they are weighted at 40%. Hoping and waiting for the best. Taking FAR after tax season at some point and hoping its my last exam! Good Luck everyone!

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  • #267957

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm still deciding whether to take AUD before FAR or vice versa. I think this will help me decide.


    Thanks for sharing…So there was a separate research question that counted as a tab on its own?



    Thanks for sharing your experience. In my review of study materials as well as the AICPA's practice exam, my impression is that the research literature tab is there for our use if needed. I guess having a tab for it in each TBS is to allow easy access – less maneuvering? Did you feel you actually had time to use it for difficult TBSs?

    What did you think of the new calculator?

    I still have FAR to go. I too am concerned about the 40% weight compared to the former 20% sim weight plus WC.

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    Thanks for the feedback. I am still concerned about the international standards of auditing and how do they test them in multiple choice or sim.


    Thanks for sharing your experience. I take the test in over a week and feeling kind of like I have overstudied for it. Would you say A3 and A4 are the most important sections?


    Were the areas becker did not cover very well related to Journal Entry's?


    @Herbieherb-One of the 7 tabs was its own research, but also a research tab in every other tab…probably for easy maneuvering

    @2010 please-I found the TBS to be more user friendly. In regards to time, I had two hours left after the mcq so I had more than enough time to use the research tab as needed…I actually left with an hour to spare, but Audit is not my thing and I may have gone through the MCQ's too quickly

    @BlueCrush- If I had an area that I would've liked to study more it would've been A3-A4. I have a tax background, so these two ch's did not come easy to me

    @palal-Yes. I haven't touched any type of financial accounting in about a yr and a half, and I wish I had reviewed some…it would've helped a little bit


    Good Luck CPAsomeday19.. thanks for sharing!!! 🙂 Few more daysssssssssssssssssssss for me…


    thank you and good luck!!


    Please help. Any advice how to study the international audit standards ? I am trying to make a list of all ISA and compare them to SASs but they are so many..How should we prepare for the international portion of the Audit Exam


    Thanks for sharing!

    How about govermental standards?



    Thanks for the exam feedback. How long did you spend studying? I have about 6-7 weeks and I'm wondering if it's enough…

    Started the CPA in 2009. Passed BEC and AUD. Got lazy and they expired so I'm back on the ball in 2013.

    B - April 2013 - Passed
    A - May 2013 - 74. ARGH. Dec 6th reschedule.
    R - TBD
    F - TBD

    So help me God!


    I take the test next week and I gave myself about 4 weeks to study and feel like thats enough. I have studied around 8 hours every day without a husband, kids, or job. It's important to stick to a routine and don't procrastinate!


    bluecrush same here i need to get to my audit studies……………..i have so much time on my hands an its making me get lazy ……………….i really want to do very well on this one especially.

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