Is Audit Evidence (A4 – Becker) the Hardest Chapter of ALL CPA Exam Chapters?!

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  • #1402055

    I hate to complain, but this chapter is really kicking my ass! I can honestly say that I find this chapter harder than any of the chapters I covered in FAR – including F2! There is so much subjective material and multiple answers that “could” be right. Granted, I had only taken ONE Auditing course during my undergraduate career and had taken all FAR courses, except Govt/NFP. Okay – end rant, but I hate this chapter!


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  • #1402061

    This chapter covers the Transaction Cycles, Audit Evidence, Other Audit procedures, and Evaluating Audit findings – btw.


    I find all chapters of AUD easier than anything else I've ever studied so far. Studying for AUD is like taking a break from studying for me. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and I guess my strength is AUD. FAR was hard for me.


    ^ I wish this was true for me. I am much better with quantitative information/problems and rules, rather than qualitative problems with subjective answers. However, my intense/recent undergraduate preparation for FAR helped me immensely. Advanced accounting was a cakewalk for me during the CPA Exam! Along with bonds and leases.


    I remember scoring like 50% on the A4 mcqs, but eventually it will make sense. Unfortunately with FAR I score 45-50% on almost everything the first time.

    AUD (08/02/2016)


    I agree with goingallin.. Audit is def a break compared to the other which are so math intensive. Unfortunately I will have to see A4 again for the 3rd time 🙁 But I will be glad once I get FAR out of the way. It's definitely much harder imo so its very subjective to say A4 is the worst of all sections. It will start to click once u finish all the material.



    I think some of the REG chapters were the hardest for me. I never figured out how to calculate the AMT, fortunately I didn't have any questions on it.

    Even though I failed AUD, I still think it was one of the easier exams. What made it difficult was how boring the material was so it was harder for me to concentrate and put in an entire days worth of studying.

    FAR: 7/23/16 - waiting for score
    AUD: 9/2/16
    REG: ?
    BEC: ?


    I feel like the trick with AUD is to ask yourself “what is the question asking about specifically?” There are generally multiple correct answers that are answering different questions, so it makes guessing much more difficult.


    Totally random question, but I'm using Gleim and Ninja test banks and the Becker book for my AUD study. If I'm using Becker V1.1 and use the print outs to upgrade to V1.2 and V1.3 am I missing out any any significant material that could be tested? Or is that basically the same as if I had bought V1.3 from the get go?


    Everything about AUD is actually easy, but they find ways to test it in a more difficult way than any other exam. As far as just studying and understanding materials, I really thought Business Law in REG was the most difficult subject matter to grasp and apply when they tested it. It could just be because it was the last chapters of my last exam and I was just out of energy and focus, but I had such a hard time understanding B-Law.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    Agree, B-Law was incredibly difficult on the exam


    Pensions in the FAR exam is my bane…So much to know in one chapter.


    Not even sure why Pension is covered so extensively in FAR. How many companies actually still offers it? I remember only having one question on the actual exam but I spent many hours studying that section bc its a new topic that has never been covered at work.


    Not sure if companies still offer it(seriously doubt it), but I know they still pay older/retired employees from the “good old days”.

    Source: my Mom has a pension from Shell Oil.

    Edit: Googled it, only 34 companies from the fortune 500 offer it. It's definitely dying out.

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