I lost my motivation… - Page 2

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    The title kind of says it all. I am scheduled to retake AUD on 10/31 but I cannot seem to force myself to do the work… I am far behind. Chances are I will have to Reschedule this test to a later date, like early December.

    Has this happened to many others? I PASSED all the other sections. I failed AUD in Q2 with a 73… But now I am so burnt I cannot do anything I feel like. Someone please help. I have made some theories as to why this is happening.

    1. I scored a 73, and am subconsciously overconfident.
    2. The possibility to just push the test forward is there.
    3. I might actually just be exhausted.
    4. My mom hurdling insults at me calling me worthless, stupid, and telling me my Master’s gives me no value are finally getting to me.
    5. I have lost hope.
    6. etc, other misc stuff.

    As of right now, my plan is to finish Becker’s A3-A4 by the 18-19th this month since I feel those were my weakest chapters.. then go back into the full on review using Progress Tests, and Final Review material. I am giving myself until the 23rd to get my S**t together, otherwise I might have to push the test forward for $35, whereas after the 23rd it will be much more expensive.

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  • #1646926

    FAR was the only book that I read.. didn't read the book for audit, bec, or reg..

    I just did a million MCQ's, and took notes. I suggest you do the same.


    You are so close and if you push you should get there. If you are in a bad place I would push it back till December. I was getting into arguments with my gf during my last part too. She lived at my place and it was a bad environment. I couldn't push it back because I was worried parts would start to expire and wanted to make sure that I took advantage of every opportunity to pass. It came down to me being a ghost at my own place. I would wake up after she left for work and get home after she went to bed. I was out 7 days a week for 3 months. I mostly studied at work…and when I couldn't take work I went to Starbucks. Then I started trying out a bunch of different Starbucks to find one I liked. If you can't move out I get it…if you can't kick her out I get that too.

    I also hit the wall especially toward the end. I tried to reward myself. If I studied and finished some chapters I would go for a walk (I like walks). Or go shopping…or whatever. It was about small rewards that didn't kill a bunch of time that would make life a little better.

    We all have been there or most of us have. Good Luck! You can do it!


    @ Parthamis

    It is understandable for you to be feeling this way but it is just one more exam. My advice would be to allow the time time to push the exam out – given you do not lose any other sections. It's inevitable to face a burn out- my entire 2017 has been exam after CPA exam (2016 was the entire year of obtaining my MS in Accounting). All of this while working Full Time!. Step back and look at the full picture – once you are done you can move onward and upward. I have these moments all the time – currently struggling with FAR, but I set up my exam date for Dec 2.
    That being said you want to give this your ALL and would suggest moving the exam out to give you more time to study vs cram last minute. The testing window extends until December and being you can not retake in same window there is no downside to pushing out – $35 now could save you the $300 to reschedule 2018 Q1.

    When Q4 exam results are released, I will be looking forward to your good news 🙂


    Thank you for the kind words everyone! I will get this done in this quarter whether I sit for it on the 31st or not. Luckily for me my parts do not expire until 2018 Q3.

    Good luck to all of you still studying also!


    I'm in the same boat..only have AUDIT left and I'm beyond burnt out. I feel like I know everything and have already been through the material twice but I'm delaying taking it because I feel like there's always more to know and I might not be ready..its scheduled for November 20th but I feel like I would be ready in a couple weeks…any advice?


    @SallyCPA-I suggest if you feel ready-do it! the longer you wait and study, the more burnt out you become, and then you forget! I felt like I studied too long for REG and BEC, the review phase is painful! 🙂


    @Bourne been listening to Thomas Rhett on pandora since this post. It's grown on me and I'm not even a fan of country music. I'm getting ready to move to Texas 🙂


    You are in a better place than where I am right now. I have been in this journey for the past 4 years & attempted AUD, BEC & FAR 2 or 3 times each & still have not passed a section. Just took BEC yesterday & not feeling confident with the way I did. You have passed 3 sections & so I can't give you advice, except to keep going!

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

    ~ Winners fail until they succeed. Losers quit when they fail. - Robert Kiyosaki
    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.


    Same here . Took BEC 3 times and now onto my 4th time…losing motivation and it's draining me mentally…but don't give up! 🙂


    Hang in there everyone! I have been out of school for over a decade, have forgotten how to study and experience issues with motivation similar to yours. It can sometimes feel as if all hope is lost but stay strong. The world has a crazy way of working itself out and this forum is a great place to get the kick in the ass and motivation we all need to carry on every once in a while. You can do it!!!!!!!

    As an aside, try Roger CPA Review as a great means of learning more about the exam and its content. Moreover, it is a great representation of just how useful adaptive learning can be.


    @future what have you learned from the 3 fails that you'll do differently?


    For my other previous retakes, I mostly focused on writing notes, memorizing formulas and did mcq without fully understanding why I got the questions wrong. I used Becker but looks like Becker was not for me so I switched to Gleim and sub with Roger but it looks like Roger BEC book is so confusing and not as thorough…lol. The 3 previous retakes was from BEC before the new exam format..sigh I regret not passing when it was a lot easier back then.but oh well. I think Gleim does a good job. the MCQ is ridiculous…but it will probably help prepare for the real exam. For my 4th retake, I will ram a whole lotta mcq but also understand why I got an answer wrong, memorize formulas and doing a thorough review of all the chapters.
    Just hang in there! I would kill to be in your spot, at least you got more than half done. I still have a long way to go… but it's okay that's part of the journey. 🙂


    But for one, I feel so uninterested in studying BEC for the 4th time so kind of semi burned out but oh well gotta do what I gotta do and just keep pushing! 🙂


    @future I'm with you. I feel burned out too and just going through the motions. I'm going on two years and even though you'd love to be in my position I can't even begin the explain the struggles and strain it's been on my professional, personal, mental, physical, and overall quality of life. Seriously when it rains, it pours. My husband says if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all. I'm really hoping the tides are turning and hope to have the best xmas ever after the score release. I can't see your test history but where ever you are just keep going. I really believe only quitters fail, at some point all of us will pass.


    @Ana I know it can be overwhelming at times and it sucks to have to retake a section.. but hey just take a deep breath and know that you can tackle this! I have also been on this journey for 2 years as well..so I understand where you are coming from. I just took FAR so I am waiting on the score release. I don't feel good about it but I guess if I did not pass , I will just have to retake it…sigh…lol. Yes that is true! The moment you give up is when you actually fail. If you never give up and keep on going, there is a likely chance of making it to the finish line!

    BEC: 45,59,58 (LOL Okay I admit I started to memorize the answers on that 3rd retake 🙁 – – Test on 12/4!

    AUD: TBD

    REG: TBD

    FAR: Waiting for score 12/19

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