How to study for AUD SIMs - Page 3

  • Creator
  • #182404

    Since this is my 7th attempt (and last chance to save REG) I need to conquer this once and for all!!!

    From reading a lot of AUD stories it seems that SIMs are extremely important. I seem to be testing weaker in that area no matter what I do.

    I have WTB, did all the SIMs and even printed them out for more review.

    I have tried using AL but besides the research question, it never really helps me 🙁

    Anyone who has passed this beast – what did you do for the SIMs?

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Author
  • #490489

    As other have stated, I was able to find several non-research SIM answers “verbatim” in the AL. They key is identifying the keyword or phrase. You want to be specific so you don't get 100s of results to comb through, but if it's too specific, a search might come up with nothing. I liken it to learning to search for things on Google. If you've done it enough times, you kind of get the hang of what to look for. I don't really know how else to explain it or advice to give on it.

    REG - 89
    FAR - 84
    AUD - 73, 86
    BEC - 89

    GA Licensed CPA


    As other have stated, I was able to find several non-research SIM answers “verbatim” in the AL. They key is identifying the keyword or phrase. You want to be specific so you don't get 100s of results to comb through, but if it's too specific, a search might come up with nothing. I liken it to learning to search for things on Google. If you've done it enough times, you kind of get the hang of what to look for. I don't really know how else to explain it or advice to give on it.

    REG - 89
    FAR - 84
    AUD - 73, 86
    BEC - 89

    GA Licensed CPA

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