How to study for AUD??

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  • #158222

    Hi everyone,

    I’m scheduling my auditing exam for the end of august and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to nail the exam. I’m currently using the Wiley books and was contemplating whether to buy the Yaeger dvds. I study about 3-4 hours a day and am planning to save the last week to pure MCQ’s because I’ve read that it really makes the info stick. Like everyone else here I really want to pass before the 2011 exam changes (this is my first time taking this exam) Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

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  • #234314
    75 CPA

    Just reading the Wiley book and doing the multiple choice questions is the least efficient way to study, and it puts me to sleep! If you had 2 or 3 auditing classes, buy Yaeger's Homestudy for AUD. Gary is great at explaining the Wiley multiple choice questions in the Wiley book. Additionally, do ALL of the Wiley multiple choice questions! By the way, one of the simulations that Gary reviewed was on my AUD exam.


    Thanks 75 CPA,

    I know the Wiley book is so boring for auditing and I was definitely looking at the Yaeger Homestudy program… I'm just wondering if you can buy used dvds (or if they even work on another computers because I know some CPA review software is limited to only one computer)… But i have 4 weeks- hopefully it will be enough time… 🙂


    I am currently studying for my last section: AUD. I purchased the Yaeger AUD Program and I feel that I could have used my time more wisely reading the book and working the multiple choice. AUD section is theory and all you really need to do is read it and work multiple choice to understand it. If I were to do it again, I would buy Yaeger FAR and REG and self-study BEC and AUD with Wiley alone, but that's me. Good luck.

    FAR- 76, BEC- 79, REG- 82, AUD- Waiting
    IL Candidate
    Yaeger Review

    75 CPA


    Get use to the idea of spending money. You will spend a small fortune on CPE credits after you become a CPA. Yaeger is the least expensive of the CPA review materials.


    You are correct in that FAR, REG and BEC are the strength of the Yaeger program. In fact, I rate these review programs from Yaegeer above Becker (I have both Becker and Yaeger).

    Gary in Yaeger AUD does very well on the multiple choice questions; however, he fails to spend sufficient time lecturing. Ironically, I find that Lambers, with Garland as a teacher, is more like Yaeger than Gary. If anyone is struggling with AUD, like I did, I highly recommend Lambers for AUD. Becker is also very good for AUD IF you already had 2 or 3 auditing classes and IF you have the big bucks.

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