Have to retake AUD for the fourth time, any tips on what to do differently?

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  • #1608713

    So I have to retake AUD, AGAIN, for the fourth time. The first two times were pre-change and the last one was post-change (and my worst score, apparently I suck at the TBS)

    Anyway, I feel like I’ve exhausted all my options for studying. I’ve used Roger (lectures and questions), I have used Ninja’s Notes, Audio, and MCQ. I’ve pounded the MCQ like crazy for the last few times and I just renewed it recently and have started to review the MCQ again and I feel like I am still pretty familiar with a lot of the questions so far, but yet I can’t pass. I don’t know if I should try and get other study materials or do anything different?

    I think my problem is that I know the concepts and most of what is in the lectures/notes, but a lot of the exam itself was very subjective, in which it seems like more one answer could be right. Especially in the TBS, where sometimes they have scenario-based questions where it could be subjective on how things are applied and what your thoughts on the situation is.

    Any tips for my next exam? Esp any tips by anyone who passed AUD post-change? Thanks!

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  • #1608890

    I passed AUD this quarter using only Becker. Got a 91 this time, my third try, I got 74-74 the first two times. I think Becker does a great job of helping me understand how to go through TBS. I still have a book with highlighted notes if you feel like it could help.

    I think the hardest part about AUD is that it's conceptual and you have to have a good understanding of FAR. My suggestion would be using Becker trial TBS 1-2 weeks before your exam date to reinforce the knowledge and get familiar with TBS.

    Hang in there


    AUD exam scores: 59, 72, 73, 85

    First attempt: Wiley only
    Second attempt: Becker and Wiley
    Third attempt: Becker and Wiley
    Fourth attempt: Becker, Wiley, Ninja Audio, and Roger Sims

    I felt like the MC's were all pretty standard. I guess the biggest change I made in the 4th attempt was not to just hit the MC's hard. I began to memorize answers instead of the reasons behind it. I re-read the chapters and took notes on every page. Also, I commute an hour each way to work so I listened to the audio tapes from NINJA. Lastly, I used Roger for their SIMS. I wouldn't recommend Roger for their SIMS. I think the main point was to always try to see the big picture and see why the controls, evidence, and FS are important.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. AUD was very hard for me as well and I'll try to help in any way I can.


    59 (Wiley only)
    73 (becker & Ninja audio)
    86 (becker, ninja mcq, ninja notes)

    I struggled with the SIMS on every exam and probably got every SIM incorrect on my 1st try. I think my performance on the SIMS was better on my last try and the NINJA MCQ & Ninja Notes helped.


    It is not about adding a new study materials at all
    I used becker only and passed with 91 on my first try and English is my second language which let me lose some wordy questions , and I never worked on audit field before.
    I am with you that all answers looks right, but when you concentrate on the details while you are studying you will know why a choice is better than the others, and it needs some logic on the elimination process when choosing your answer on the MCQs.
    there is no difference between studying for MCQs or TBS, if you can solve the MCQs right you can solve any TBS.


    Do more practice simulations. I got a 74 on AUD last quarter and stronger on MCQ and weaker on simulations so that's proof that you need to practice sims. It's even more true now with the new format.


    When I scored in the 70's, I also had strong in the MC's and weaker in the SIMS. I never had any audit experience as well. I disagree with the notion that usually additional material is not helpful. I think Wiley goes into details much better than Becker. I feel like Becker gives you just enough information for a 75. If I were to do it all over again from point A, I would use Roger because he focuses very well on the assertions and audit evidence.


    Just found out my AUD score was 74 yesterday. GOD, it feels so depressing.

    I used NINJA and GLEIM for my study, and I actually thought I had passed coming out of the exam because I felt very comfortable and knew the concepts and questions.

    Don't really know how or what to do any different for my next study.

    Any recommendationS? I heard Roger cram course might be helpful, anyone with this experience can share?

    AUD is my last as I will lose FAR credit by 1/12/17. So, got to pass this time or I am SOL.

    Thanks, DLu


    I agree that you should hit the sims. I think you need a stronger knowledge of the material for the AUD sims as compared to the multiple choice questions. With AUD many of the MCQs can easily be answered by process of elimination, whereas the sims cannot (maybe to an extent but not completely).

    Hit the TBS!


    I know your struggle! I've taken audit 3 times now and I definitely have not practice SIMS like ever… on top of that I've had access to Wiley, Becker, Roger, SuperFastCPA… considering NINJA (used the notes for BEC and passed…) and also focus in on finishing the Becker SIMS. I'm surprised I got a 72 with this last attempt because those SIMS on the actual exams were quite challenging.


    I didn't take audit in the new format, but I passed on my first attempt and then my second attempt (after my first credit expired) with less than one month of studying in the old format. When I studied for audit I make sure to master the MQS before even worrying about the simulations. The simulations require extensive knowledge of the material so mastering each section is crucial to your success. This might seems like overkill but I make sure that for every multiple choice question I encountered I can explain why option “blank” is right and why option x, y, z is incorrect and how can option x, y, and z be worded differently to be correct. The only time I did any practice simulations was the night before the exam just to get a few of how the format will be. I only used Becker and it was sufficient enough for me.


    Just a disclaimer than I haven't passed AUD yet. I take it in about 3 weeks.

    I noticed no one has mentioned Gleim yet so I thought I would just bring it up. I've used 100% Gleim for everything so far. On 3 of 3 of the sections I've taken, the actual exam was WAY more straightforward and “simple” than the questions I practiced with. I don't know that it will be that way for AUD or not, but I'm hoping that it will.

    Gleim has a good size MCQ bank and one of the best SIMs banks there is. So far, the questions have been very similar (only harder) to what I've seen on the actual exams. From my (and other Gleim users') experience, if you can trend well on Gleim questions (without getting discouraged in the beginning!) you can pass the exam.

    So far, I've noticed the practice Gleim questions mix in quite a bit of FAR knowledge and ask a TON of the “pick the best answer” type questions that are really hard to distinguish which “right” answer is best. It also gives good feedback as to why the answer was correct or incorrect for each answer choice.

    Just something to maybe look into. Keep your head up and don't get discouraged!

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