Give it to me straight – did I fail?

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  • #157627

    Hi. I’m a long-time lurker and I decided to finally sign up and participate.

    I took my first ever CPA test, AUD, this morning. I prepared with Becker, got 85% right on their two final exams combined (153/180), and I felt like I was all set. I felt ready. I felt good because I’ve seen on this forum and others that the actual exam is usually easier than Becker’s final exams.

    Then came the actual exam. I feel like I did pretty well on the multiple choice questions. I was able to answer a majority of the questions quickly. There were about ten total that I felt unsure of but was able to narrow down. The multiple choice questions felt harder than Becker’s questions.

    But the real nightmare was the simulations. I feel like I totally bombed them. The content was familiar, but I did not feel confident for the majority of my answers in both simulations. I am a good writer and I know I wrote well, but whether I stayed on topic, I have no idea.

    So give it to me straight – what are my odds of passing?

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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  • #229541

    if you do well on the questions, forget the sims. move on.

    CPA EXAM - Passed


    You can almost pass the exam off the MC testlets. The MC will make or break you. I felt good going into my AUD exam and like complete crap coming out. It is a normal feeling for the exams. Do your best not to worry too much on it. Focusing on my next section helped make the wait for scores much easier.


    Thanks to both of you, that makes me feel a little better. I'm a math person, always have been, so I keep thinking to myself, “Let's say I got 80 on the multiple choice and 50 (by some saving grace) on the simulations.” That gives me 71 if you take the 80 x 70% and 50 x 30%. And that's like best case scenario.

    But I know the exam is graded in a way that it's impossible for me to predict my scores, so I will just have to relax and concentrate on FAR, which I start studying for next Monday.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    A girl at my work stating almost the exact same experience that you had on the exam. She said that she felt confident about almost all the MC questions but thought her Sims were awful. In the end, she got a 99. So, just take that as we cannot predict our scores. We might think our Sims were horrible but that doesn't mean they were counted (might have been pretest) or maybe we did better on them than we thought.

    I would almost bet on the fact you passed AUD with how you described your exam experience. Good luck!

    AUD 96 ~ FAR 97 ~ REG 98 ~ BEC 92 I'M DONE!!!!

    The GaJone

    Sounds like you got at least an 85.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)



    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Congratulations whitesoxfancpa that is so awesome.

    BEC 7/20/10 88 (90 hours)
    AUD 8/27/10 73 (65 hours), retake 11/22/10 81 (75 hours)
    FAR 10/28/10 80 (157 hours)
    REG 1/7/10 extended to 1/17/10 78 (130 hours) I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    whitesoxfancpa, congratulations! 96 in AUD is awesome, I'm just hoping for a 75….

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    Soxfan, we did the same thing – took AUD, came home and posted about how horrible it was, and then came out with a passing score. What a great surprise! Best of luck with the rest of your exams!!

    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81


    Yes! Now if only I have nearly as good of fortune with the remaining three exams.

    Best of luck to you with your remaining two.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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