Financial Ratios for Audit

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  • #158086

    I have less than a week left before I re-take audit and am wondering if people see the value in memorizing the financial ratios in the Becker book for AUD?

    I would much rather use the time to do extra MC questions, but looking to get others opinions.

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  • #234272

    I would advise doing m.c. questions over memorizing the ratios. I would be familiar with the ratios but wouldn't spend any extra time memorizing some of the rather obscure ones. Personally, on my audit exam, I don't remember encountering ratio questions, but that could have just been my exam..every exam is different.


    Understand the concept of each ratio. Know what the point of applying the ratio in terms of analytical procedures? DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME MEMORIZING THE FORMULA! (Unless that helps you understand the concept)

    Good luck. I just sat for AUD on monday.

    REG - 77, AUD - 85, BEC - 75, FAR - 80


    I would assume you would see these ratios in the simulation part of the exam…with that being said, you probably will be given the ratios and there equations in one of the information tabs. I would learn the concept behind Inventory Turnover, A/R Turnover…

    Hope this helps…


    Understand the basic ratios: Current, acid/quick, AR TO, Inventory TO, interest coverage. The ones you will see in MC. For the specific less common ones in the simulations…you will have access to the ratios in your tools/resources tab.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

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