Feel Terrible after AUD

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  • #159187

    I just took AUD yesterday and I feel really terrible about it. I walked out of there feeling worse than how I felt after FAR. I don’t know what happened. I thought I put in a good effort in studying the material and doing the MC questions. But it seemed to me that most of the questions were real tricky and confusing… horribly confusing. First teslet was hard, so was the second one. Third testler had slightly easier questions. That doesn’t sound good, does it?

    I really pray that I pass, because I don’t even want to deal with the new topics for 2011 and not to mention the fact that I still got BEC and REG left.

    Hoping for God’s miracle!

    Texas: FAR 83 (8/25/10) | AUD 83 (11/22/10) | BEC 78 (2/26/11) | REG 90 (7/9/11)
    End of a two-year long CPA exam journey!

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  • #257151

    Just have to keep your head up and wait it out until you receive your score. Truth be told you can tear apart the exam you had all you want, but you still won't know. I have yet to find someone who truly walks out of a testing center knowing they “nailed it”.


    I walked out of AUD feeling like I failed. I didn't.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88




    I had AUD this morning.. I feel “okay” about it but you never know until the score comes out! I felt like I had a lot of FAR in my AUD.. ?? weird.


    I did my AUD on Nov 20th 2010, so yea, I dunno how I did too, but Im praying to god everyday to please let me pass lol


    @CPA Someday

    Don't say FAR in Auditing. I'm scheduled to take Auditing on Monday and I'm pretty sure based off the loophole I just failed FAR in October. Ughhh..

    What materials did you use? I'm using Becker and hoping to hit all the homework problems one more time.


    I used Becker. I really like doing progress test or creating quizes for each chapter. If I'm weak in a chapter then I scan and/or re-write my notes for the chapter then take the progress test or quiz until I”m confortable with it.

    Let me put it this way.. you know that one or two subjects that you studied in FAR, that you knew “inside and out”, then get to the FAR Exam and they WEREN'T THERE. THAT will be on the AUD exam – This is how I felt. So the material I KNEW for FAR but didn't get to use, was in AUD. You'll know the answer..

    Keep plugging away! Good Luck!!


    Thanks for advice…looks like you are almost done. Congrats!


    @ CPA Someday

    I know what you mean! Same experience… Only that I could not remember well from when I studied FAR so I don't know how I did…

    My experience with the testlets was: Medium, Hard, Very Hard. I hope this is a good sign. Overall I think I did well on MCQs and WCs but those SIMs threw me off! I was expecting more AUD related questions!

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05



    I've kindof given up on studying for sims. I don't know if this is the best approach but it you really never know what they are going to be on.

    Good luck to you.

    FAR 10/11

    BEC- Passed

    REG- Passed

    AUD 11/29

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