FAR done so AUD piece of cake?

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  • #189894

    Why people keep saying that because you cleared FAR you should not have or won’t have any trouble in AUDIT. Honestly while I am studying Audit I feel FAR was much better..Good mix of Math and Theory. Here its just a barren land of theory :).

    But Is it true that if you are done with FAR, Audit should be easier…Because I am really finding hard time to get comfortable with material. 21st is the Big day for me with Audit…

    Does anyone else feel the same or have a same views that my friends are saying….

    CA Candidate
    FAR: You are down...
    Aud: Surprised me...Thanks
    BEC: 75% work done
    REG: It's 80 but I am 100% done πŸ™‚

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  • #617619

    I've heard that once you pass FAR, AUD is easy…but I also heard BEC is easy and I thought it was difficult (I hate cost accounting). So, it depends on you're background. I know a lot of people like FAR and REG better than AUD because the latter is all theory based. Also, if you've never done an audit it's pretty hard stuff to grasp.

    With that said, you can do it, as long as you put the work in πŸ™‚

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    i read somewhere that said “if you can pass FAR, you can pass them all”

    however, i have a feeling that i think FAR is going to be my easiest exam.

    agreed with Gabe, dont underestimate BEC


    Im studying for Audit right now, and in terms of volume, Audit is half of FAR. The only problem is that the information is harder to grasp than with FAR. I hope Roger is as good as people say he is when it comes to Audit.

    Through God all things can happen!

    β€œYou never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    β€œJust keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    Martin: I'm just finishing up AUD, exam on Monday and using Roger CRAM along with NINJA and Wiley books/MCQs. I found the videos to be solid, but the MCQs on the easy side. I would definitely invest in a supplementary MCQ bank if you decide to go that way. Love his videos though. As a person who has never touched audit in education nor practice he did a great job of explaining the material and provided some good memory techniques.

    As to the main topic of the thread, I agree that AUD doesn't seem very comparable to FAR. I think FAR provides SOME foundation around things like ratios and I've heard that some FAR style JE sims could pop up. However, the material it'self is really night and day as far as I'm concerned. Still, by far my weakest topic…just hoping for that magic 75…..



    I have no experience at all in Audit πŸ™ and I totally agree that it has less material but it's lot of tricky information. I hope 21st be the lucky day for me πŸ™‚ Thanks for all of your thoughts.

    Good luck with your upcoming exams.

    CA Candidate
    FAR: You are down...
    Aud: Surprised me...Thanks
    BEC: 75% work done
    REG: It's 80 but I am 100% done πŸ™‚


    Bottom line is that none of the exams are easy and they all have challenging areas. I had the same impression after taking FAR, that the rest would be simple and less work. That is not the case. Audit was easily my least favorite exam to study for. Even though you could get through the info quickly, it was all just nonsense. Plus the actual exam was the hardest I've taken, so many questions out of left field in audit.

    I actually enjoyed FAR for the most part. REG is not bad at all but the business law stuff is a pain to memorize. BEC has probably the most extreme difference between easy/hard chapters using Becker. Chapter 2 of BEC is probably the most difficult and time consuming chapter out of any section. While Chapter 5 is basically common sense that you can understand easily after seeing the lectures.

    That is why it is important to pace yourself. You have to have the same dedication for each section. You can't half-ass your way through any of them. And it becomes much more difficult to study as you burn out. So no, audit is not easy, and neither are any of the other exams.

    FAR- 92 (7/25/2014)
    AUD- 93 (8/30/2014)
    REG- 93 (10/10/2014)
    BEC- 91 (11/10/2014)

    Using Becker self-study only. Working full-time.


    FAR was my first exam and I passed it on my first try using only cpareviewforfree.com (back in 2010 it was only a couple hundred free MCQ's and nothing else!)

    AUD took me 3 tries and I had to add Wiley and the NINJA notes.

    It's all relative, I thought FAR was a breeze and AUD would kill me. And I'm sure there are people who would say the exact opposite. It's very individual, this exam and I cringe when anybody says “for most people….” Because I've never heard a statement about this exam that actually applies to “most” people.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    How many letters do you need, thanks for the tip, I will get the ninja MC. Based on your experience with the wiley book and roger's lectures, do you think Roger covers enough material to pass the exam if you master his lectures? I know he skips minor details, which wiley's book cover and that is the reason Im asking.

    Through God all things can happen!

    β€œYou never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    β€œJust keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    I passed FAR and failed AUD. Everyone told me since I passed FAR on the first try I would pass all the other parts. Nevertheless, I still studied very hard for AUD. think you should just study as hard as you can for each test and don't think about what tests are easier than others.People know I am sitting and when I tell them I failed AUD, they look at me like I'm an idiot and it's embarrassing. Its a terrible feeling knowing you put in a ton of time and effort and didn't pass. I hope you don't have to experience that feeling.


    @DoOver, I can totally relate to you..When I share that I am haunted by Audit, They think either I am trying to fool and doing really good at my preparation or I am real dumb…

    I have decided next time on wards I wont share with anyone what I am studying and When is my test…Every night before I go to bed, I get text messages hows your preparation coming along? Oh wow, you already started revision, you are this you are that..all these questions puts me under tremendous pressure…

    And I really get pissed off when a non accounting person says oh common its just an exam why you are not coming to gathering…Its 21st so far…you have 2 more weeks…It's not tomorrow that you are studying today…What the hell of the thing you are telling to me..Do you even know what am I preparing for?

    Sorry, topic got deviated…Frustration came out..

    Getting back to the books..happy studying..

    CA Candidate
    FAR: You are down...
    Aud: Surprised me...Thanks
    BEC: 75% work done
    REG: It's 80 but I am 100% done πŸ™‚


    @No_one: I got REG on Nov 26th and have to take BEC before mid January, so I don't have time to really worry about that stuff. But it's not easy. Trying to turn that frustration into motivation is definitely easier said than done.

    Good luck on your test. At least you live in CA. That must be pretty cool.


    @ NO_one seriously! Only those who are actually taking the exams would understand. I've missed a lot of gatherings with my friends and they would say “nevermind its the weekend and your test is not until two weeks from now.” Little do they know that those two weeks are crucial! I feel like they think I'm really dumb or something for stdying for two months straight for an exam. Little do they know!

    β€œI can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    BEC-80 yay!!
    AUD- 91 whohooo!
    REG- 67:( 74:( really?! I'll see you in April REG!!! 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm done as of August 2015!!!
    FAR- 68:( 79!!!! 2015 is soooo loving me!


    for me FAR was easiest

    FAR - 76*, 73, 85
    BEC - 69, 72, 78*, 80
    AUD - 72, 71, 90
    REG - 71, 74, 85



    Martin: Well I can only speak to his CRAM course; his full length course might be different. I found the CRAM course got me most of the way there but there are holes no doubt. The trick to me is to take note of the sub topics that I run across in the MCQs that are clear blind spots. Take those and dig deeper either with NINJA notes or the Wiley book (depending on how much detail I need to get the subtopic). Some do best with a structured formal course but I've found the ability to be flexible and adjust on the fly to be very helpful.



    How many letters do you need, thanks for the heads up, I only have 19 days for my final review,so I hope Roger covered enough for me to pass. Im creating flash cards (brainscape) on the topics he did not covered and Im seen on WTB.

    Through God all things can happen!

    β€œYou never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    β€œJust keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75

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