I find nothing related between FAR (passed) and AUD (currently studying). Perhaps because I have no clue on JE?
I never focus super hard on JE. I kinda know the basic. But if you tell me to write the exact JE for every question, I will die.
I feel like FAR is 200% math related, if you are good in math, you will master it in a short time. Personally, I am very sharp in FAR math. I also had a short internship couple years ago as a bookkeeper (but it didn't help on my JE skill)…
I would say what make me pass FAR is knowing the formulas. I had a lot of difficult questions on math problems (the ones that everyone hate.) I think if you manage to know most of the math problems you should be fine. Oh.. I didn't focus on the ratio that much. I focus on installments and those “every test like to have ones”.
Another important thing is timing. If you manage to run through your problem fast enough, you will be able to do a second round on every question. If you had extra time, you can also do your math backward and find the answers. (Instead of looking from the question and calculate the answer, plug in your answers (from ABCD choice) into the formula and find the one that match the question). I was able to do a second run on all questions (MC and sim) and still have 40 minutes left. I also took a break for about 15 min in the middle for food, drink and restroom. I left the test room with 2 min left on the clock, so I must have read the sim at least 2 more time within the 40 minute leftover, trying to do the question forward and backward to make sure it kinda make sense. Event if the answers are wrong, as long as the math kinda make sense they will give you points.
New York - NYC
Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.