Failed AUD, yet again… any advice appreciated

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  • #192313

    So, as title states, I failed AUD… for the 4th time. I am so tired and I really dont know at this point what am I doing wrong.

    Here how my exams went:

    1. Took all 4 exams in 1 window, AUD being last, passed 3, was totally burned out, studied for two weeks, did half Becker book, half questions, left half hour early. Got 62. Fine, I felt i did fail.

    2. Read the whole Becker book, did all the questions, sims and exams, had just enough time to finish. Got 65. ok…

    3. Re-read Becker yet again, understood all the concepts, did all the questions twice, sat through whole exam. 66…

    4. Got very angry. My Becker expired, it was useless anyway, at this point i just knew all the answers, even though i did understand the material. Got NINJA, had a trending score of around 84% after doing around 900Qs. Sat in exam exam till last second, reserved 1.5 hr for sims, used AL and got a result yesterday, tadaa 65. ???

    At this point, my hands are down, I am down. I feel confused. I mean, I did pass the other three. I would be better if i got 74! At least that would tell me I am close. I used only Becker for the other three. BEC from 1st time, and FAR and REG from 2nd. With my FAR exam (first exam i ever took) i got 51, got upset, then studied more and got 75. You can see that jump in results, i mean, you can only get better, right? And here, c’mon, its like between me studying nothing and everything I have 3 point difference, I know audit was not my favorite class in college, but this is getting ridiculous.

    I would appreciate any advice. My goal at this point is to do NINJA all questions, hit the review stage, maybe buy Wiley book. I plan to take it in the beginning of April. My credits for other 3 expire in December.

    Thank you, guys.

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  • #648741

    What did you do differently for your FAR retake? Just curious.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    I re-read the book and did the questions 2-3 times (i think i had some questions i worked up to 6 times) until i understood the answer, not memorized it. Also, I made sure i would have enough time for SIMS, because in my first time, i run out of time and did not do 2 SIMS. I felt Becker alone was enough.


    I got a 74 after getting a poo poo score before. I didn't do the mcqs 2 to 3 times I did them 5 to 6 times and made sure I knew why the answers were right or wrong. I think my problem was the Sims. I've taken these a few times to know that of I fail one it isn't because I'm not smart enough it is because I didn't work hard enough plain and simple. Go Back IN There study study and study more. You can do it.

    FAR 62, 66, 78
    AUD 66, 55, 74, 72
    BEC 79


    Stop reading the books and replace the reading with doing questions 7 times each.


    Yea with AUD you need to nail those MCQ. They need to be second nature. With a few days left I redid every question in Becker and got a minimal amount wrong…maybe like 10-20 total out of every question in every chapter. Sure, some I may have memorized the answer but you know what? This isn't math. When you see a similar question on the exam you'll see a similar answer and know it's correct.

    Also, try your best to cancel out ones that are wrong (obviously). With AUD, there may even be two correct answers but one is better than the other. That's where memorizing every single MCQ helped me. My SIMS were awful which is probably why I got the 76, but knowing the MCQ got me the mark I needed.

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"


    I couldn't agree more with what OnMyWay732 just said. Nail on the head.


    thank you so much guys. I know we all been through it. I guess after passing other three, i thought this one will be not easy in any way, but still doable. Besides, whoever of my friends passed all 4, said Audit was the easiest. And i do now work in fin. analysis, which should've helped me. I will re-do all Becker q's and NINJA qs and hope for the best.


    Idk, everyone is different. I thought REG was the easiest.

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

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