Failed AUD – Study suggestions?

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  • #201786

    Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster. I received a 70 for AUD. I’m really bummed out but I’m not surprised either. So, now I have to wait to retake it in July.

    I’ve been going back and forth all day whether to take BEC or REG in June, but I know I would be risking failing another section. But waiting for two months to retake AUD is a really long time! lol

    I have Wiley’s CPAExcel, but I just read the textbook and drilled Wiley’s MCQ. I also bought Ninja Notes and rewrote them. Wiley’s MCQ for AUD never really clicked with me. To be honest, I just got to the point where I had memorized the answers. (I didn’t have this issue with Wiley’s FAR MCQ. It really helped me the FAR exam.)

    I already have Ninja Notes. I plan on buying Ninja MCQ and maybe Ninja Audio. I’m also going to try to watch the Wiley’s lectures this time.

    Should I just start over from scratch? Or just focus on the topics I was weak on? Any additional study suggestions?

    Thank you!

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  • #775268

    I had a similar experience as you, I highly recommend staying with AUD before moving on to another exam. I failed with Becker the first time and supplemented with NINJA MCQ for my retake, it boosted my score by 11 points. With AUD I didn't start from scratch for my retake, but did about an extra 4,000 MCQs to reinforce and build on everything I knew. There isn't a ton of material in AUD so I'm not sure how effective starting from scratch and reading all of the material again is. My advice is just start reading the questions twice, and justify why the other 3 answers are wrong when you answer a question. I think that train of thought also helped me, you have to be diligent with this one. Hope that helps some and good luck!

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    I thought Auditing was the most difficult to study for. Maybe its just me, but I feel like there is not a lot of judgement or thought, it's straight rote memory. While reading the material all of the different areas blended together for me- I couldn't remember this such and such action in a compilation vs. a review, etc. The more I just read, the more it blended together. It was all very specific and I had a very difficult time with it!

    Really the only thing that worked for me on this section was MC and SIMS until I wanted to jam the pen in my eye. I used NINJA and Wiley test bank and did hundreds of different questions. This really helped solidify it for me, as you know the way the questions are worded can be so tricky, and I had to get good at understanding what they were really asking. I took this one twice, I passed with an 85. The second time I guess I did start from scratch in the sense that I just did the MC tutor, all random questions from all areas. This way I didn't keep getting questions that I had just memorized the answer.


    the mnemonics in Becker really helped me in AUD.

    MR DIM REPORTS CRAME… Management's Responsibility for the Design Implementation and Maintenance of Internal Controls….this helped me so much.

    all of the different letters and differences in compilations/reviews/audits/agreed upon procedures, etc. were very confusing at first. The little catchy sayings in Becker's study guides really really helped me on the exam. I was constantly reciting them to myself as I took it.

    I got an 81 first try.

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    i only partially agree with CPA2BEE as you do need to memorize some things (just like other sections) but i felt Aud required more understanding than any other sections. all other sections, i did ton of questions and was able to pass but with Aud i ended up solving like 6000+ MCQ's (including Wiley test bank, some becker and all Ninja MCQ's). what i felt helped me was going back to the basics and “reading and re-reading on weak areas” from cover to cover, reading more on relevant pronouncements (AU-C, PCAOB, AR, etc).

    please go hear for advice from others which may help you.

    Licensed CPA since Apr 16
    Order in sequence of passing
    AUD-56,72,72,72,80! Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord!
    FAR/BEC/AUD: Becker & Yaeger lectures (Wiley & Ninja MCQs). REG: Becker lectures (Ninja MCQs).


    @hokinizeu Thanks for the link! Lots of good stuff in here!

    Thanks for the advice everyone! : )


    I raised my score by 20%. The easiest thing I changed on the retake was I slowed down on the MCQ's. I also would also google the journal of accountancy and whatever the topic was to look for recently written articles. They had this series on ethics with questions that I thought was helpful. Took the time to really know the reports inside and out as far as what paragraphs go where and what the sentences where if certain conditions were met. Even doing that somehow helps you develop a mental map of the SAS, SSAE, SSARS, etc.


    1. Read each question 2x's.
    2. Then read each answer choice before selecting one.
    3. Reread the question to make sure it's asking what you think it is and actually matches the answer you picked.

    AUD 11/15 91
    BEC 1/16 83
    REG 2/16 79
    FAR 7/16

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