Dilemma reschedule or not reschedule???

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  • #186737

    Tomorrow is my big AU exam day, but….yesterday I just finished going second time over every section of Wiley Test Bank , so today….I suppose to hammer as many questions as possible and tomorrow sit for exam. The thing is that I feel that I need at least one more week to combine all the sections and pound on all these Willey or Gleim (I didn’t use it for studying at all yet ) questions and simulations. My problem is that I can’t reschedule the exam, b/c my NTS expires 7/6 and in IL they don’t let you to get new NTS until old one expires. If I don’t show up tomorrow, I will apply for new NST on Monday and hopefully will get it in a week that I could sit for exam next Saturday 7/12. On the other hand, I could go tomorrow and see how I do…and if I don’t pass….sit for AU again in October, but I don’t want to study for 2 sections at the same time…., when 7 days could make or brake… I am so tired from all these trying…It took me 4 time to pass REG (expires 5/31/15), my 1st exam. However, before I was working and didn’t have to much flexibility with my time. Now I am unemployed (was laid off about a month ago) and have all the time on my hands.

    I would appreciate if you could share your insight. I believe many of you had the same dilemmas. What did you do or what would you do? and …Happy 4th of July for those who study or took a break to enjoy this weekend!!!

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  • Author
  • #578977

    Just go and take it. You have Nothing to lose with an NTS that expires Sunday.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I'm with mla. Go and think of it as an extra study session/recon mission. If you pass, awesome, no need to take it again. If you don't, plan to take your next section at the VERY BEGINNING of the next window and a retake of this one at the end. That's just this woman's opinion, though. I think at the end of the day you know what you need to do.

    FAR - 79 (11/27/13)
    AUD - 76 (2/1/14)
    REG - 77 (5/30/14)
    BEC - 88 (7/18/14)

    MN Ethics - 100% (3/9/14)

    AND DONE! 8/1/14


    Can't take the same section in this window either way, unfortunately.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Good point, mla. I didn't even think of that. Definitely just go take it. Do your best, but go in thinking of it as a recon mission and maybe you'll surprise yourself. The money's already spent anyway, right?

    FAR - 79 (11/27/13)
    AUD - 76 (2/1/14)
    REG - 77 (5/30/14)
    BEC - 88 (7/18/14)

    MN Ethics - 100% (3/9/14)

    AND DONE! 8/1/14


    …thanks fiona87 and mla 1169 for opinion. Yes, I know that I can take AU once in this window, but if I don't show-up for exam, do they count it as I failed exam or as non show-up??? When I spoke with IL BOA, they told me that I can get new NTS after my old one expires on 7/6, but they didn't tell me that I can't schedule Audit exam because I didn't show up on 7/6. Now I am thinking, if I don't show-up tomorrow maybe I can't reschedule exam for this test window at all… Does anybody know how things really works in this kind situation???? Did somebody was in the same shoes like I???? I yes….let me know…Pleaseeeeeeeee


    I believe that even if it's a no-show, you can't schedule another appointment for the same exam in the same window. I'd call NASBA, though, to check. I'm not 100% on that answer and couldn't find backup for that belief, but NASBA will be able to tell you for sure.

    FAR - 79 (11/27/13)
    AUD - 76 (2/1/14)
    REG - 77 (5/30/14)
    BEC - 88 (7/18/14)

    MN Ethics - 100% (3/9/14)

    AND DONE! 8/1/14

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