Blown away by Audit score!!!!!! - Page 3

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  • #175301

    I just recently got my exam score back from BEC, which I took on August 6th, 2014 and received the score on August the 26th. The earliest I was to receive the score was August 22nd. I lived with more psychological angst from the August 22nd-26th than most of my adult life. Like all the majority of the posters here, I received a failing score, not just a failing score – which I could understand, but a seventy-muth-fning-four, 74! I am still shocked and until several hours ago, I was debating on whether I should institute a regrading or an appeal. Well, after thoroughly reviewing both options, I decided they were both not financially practicable. Who has $200 to spend on regrading, besides, how do you even know if the AICPA regrades the exam, they probably do not, it probably is not even possible considering the AICPAs “magical” grading methodologies cannot be repeated. An appeal is the way to go – if you have the time and money to travel to Nashville, Tennessee and sit down with a AICPA representative. The cost is $500 up front and $100 per question/simulation chosen for an appeal. Oh, you also have to pay to fly, rent a car, stay somewhere, food, and other miscellaneous expenses. I calculated it would cost me around $5,000 to appeal the exam broken down as follows: initial $500 up front cost, approximately 30 multiple choice questions and 3 simulations at $100 per item – $3,300, traveling expenses $1,200.00! Not to mention, I would have to skip going on a ski vacation or cruise, just to meet the devil incarnate rep of the AICPA tasked with deceiving me even more. The real problem is that I cannot remember the specific question numbers and which tests contained those questions! I can only remember the gist of the questions. You have to tell them which testiest and question number you want to appeal, it cannot be a request for all failed questions, you have to choose which question you think you failed. I studied my ass off and deserved a passing score, but I received the highest failing score possible. My dad is a CPA and several years ago decided to make it my life to become one as well. I have earned a MAFM and a MBA in Finance, took the Becker CPA review and studied independently. I did not like the exam and I thought it skipped material that was covered heavily and more important to the CPA’s understanding of the business environment. Yet, the exam managed to have those non-review material questions riddled with ambiguity to the point of no answer definitely being correct or others being incorrect. In my opinion, that is why the CPA exam is difficult, ambiguity. The questions are written to force the answerer to make assumptions and subsequently, errors. You might be thinking what is my point. My point is something shady is going on at the AICPA!

    Why would the AICPA allow appeals but at prohibitively higher costs? The answer – no one studying for the CPA exam has tens of thousands of dollars to hire a lawyer and institute and appeal. You would be crazy to pay those cheats to cheat you again! Why are question so ambiguous and secretive? Is it not the exact same material with the exception of minor alterations for updates in accounting rules that has been around for decades. My dad’s accounting textbooks were not to different from my mine, except for color, pictures, diagrams and costs. Even if an appeal is instituted, how would you prove that the question was worded, stated, answered, and had the same potential answers as presented in the actual exam? You have no way to prove anything because you cannot bring anything in to the “high-security” test center but nervousness and hopefulness. I just loved being re-fingerprinted to leave the room, which was practically empty, as if someone was pretending to be me taking a break to use the bathroom for me! It took almost ten minutes, roundtrip, for the lady to get my fingerprint matched and for her to “accept” my signature – and that was without a line, god forbid other people are in line waiting to be screwed over by some Pro-metric employee pretending she cannot scan your fingerprint to keep your testing time marginalized for job security purposes.

    On top of all this the AICPA can do the following to you: if you pass the first test let with a good score, then you will get a harder test let worth more on a per question basis. If you do well again, the you get an even harder exam worth even more on a question by question basis. The best scores are automatically placed into the upper bell curve of the “rounding.” For those who perform poorly on the first test let, you are given an easier test-let, which is worth less on a per question basis. If you do bad again, it is an even easier exam, worth even less on per question basis. If the AICPA knows how well you did practically instantaneously to decide if you receive a more or less difficult test let, then why does it take 20+ days to received your final scores? It takes about 3 weeks because your scores and compared to all others taking the exam at that time and every question is graded psychometrically. Psychometrics is fancy way of “curving.” The highest score sets the top upper end of the curve and all other scores are scored downward. Just like an Organic Chemistry exam where the highest score of 52 out of 100 is an A+. If everyone does good and you do good, it is an average good. If you do good and everyone does bad, it is an above average good. If you do bad and everyone else does good, than it is a below average bad. It takes time to see who scored the highest from that testing period, what questions they were asked, what question they are going to decide to de-credit by saying they are only experimental questions to be used in future exams, which questions are only worth .5 instead of 2.0 because of difficulty – set by the percentage of correct and incorrect responses during that testing period, normalizing the pass-fail ratio, etc. Basically, there are so many legitimate ways for the AICPA to fail you, that you could pass with a super high score and end up with a failing grade because of after the fact “magical” scoring. All of which explains the approximate pass-fail ratio which only varies by very little from quarter to quarter on each exam, approximately 50-50. I found some of the other posts interesting that stated their beliefs in being failed for taking the test too late in the window, after a standard number of passing scores have already been achieved. If your a below average passing score, 75-84, then you might find your score curved to a 64-74. Bottom line – I believe that I passed and was denied a passing grade because of the “magical” scoring.

    If you do not think the AICPA denies passing grades even though you passed then you really should not be entering the field of accounting. Do you know that there are approximately 650,000 CPA’s in America for almost 330,000,000 Americans? Why are there so few CPA’s? The AICPA does not want 3 million CPA’s out there decreasing the scarcity of CPA’s, their exceptionally high wages and job security. Sure, not everyone needs a CPA, but 8% of Americans are millionaires, approximately 27,000,000 and countless businesses need hoards of CPAs merely to function day to day. The CPA credential is harder to attain than any other license and practically no one can deny that fact. I can remember meeting a lawyer at the first accounting firm I worked for years ago who was licensed to practice law in over ten states but would say outright that he could not pass the CPA exam to save his life. I never understood why, but now I know why.

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  • #601599

    I know the feeling! I've gone through the Becker materials twice (scored a 71 and a 68) then switched to CPAexcel and got “another 71” hah. go figure. I'm thinking about purchasing the Wiley test bank and just do sims over and over and over… fourth times a charm?!

    REG - 77*, 74, 70, 71, 82
    AUD - 71, 68, 71, 83
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 65, 70, 72, 75

    * = Lost credit due to the 18 month rule


    Haha i got a weaker in every area but evidence! Its crazy because Evidence is the one area that I was worried about! I too thought the sims weren't too bad, especially since i matched 3 of them up from the AL. I guess it wasn't enough!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    i felt confident about the exam.. got a 72

    i knew i did well on MCq as a scored “stronger” on them and i also knew i didn't do awesome on sims, but i didn't think i did that horribly to fail AUD.. i scored “weaker” in sims….

    which boggles my mind bc i have heard of people only finishing 2 sims on other exams and still passing the exam.

    and i know on my past exams i completely guess on some of the sims and passed the exam on my first try!

    so upset!!!!


    homerun07 – I felt similar. What was mind boggling to me was that prior to this I took REG for the first time. For it I felt very shaky on the MC, and even guessed on several. I only got through about 2 1/2 sims before I ran out of time and had to rapidly start just filling in any answer, then time expired and it cut me off with 2 full sims completely unanswered. I wouldn't have been surprised to get a 50% on that test, and I got a 73%.

    Then I took this AUD exam (2nd time), prepared more, felt great, didn't feel stumped, hardly guessed, felt solid on the all sims. Finished with time left. Got a 72% Rage.

    The more experience I get with this exam the more I feel like it's a total crapshoot.


    @mmtx i really wonder how these exams are graded… sounds subjective -____-

    ughhhh so annoying!! well a lot of people have told me to utilize the authoritative literature for the sims and sometimes you can find the answer word for word!!

    hope we will pass the next time around 🙂

    good luck to you!!!!



    There's no need to wonder… Here's how the exam is scored:

    I wouldn't say that the grading is “subjective”. That seems to imply that there is some entity arbitrarily handing out grades based on their opinion, which is not the case.

    Granted, the scoring of this test is somewhat complex and obscure, but it is not arbitrary or subjective as there is a correct answer to each question. I think it's a bit of a shock to some (especially recent graduates) because they are used to traditional grading. Realize that you are not testing against an exam, you are testing against your fellow candidates. Whether intentional or not, the exam puts us in indirect competition with each other.

    In economic terms, the exam is a barrier to entry, which is a good thing to those of us who pass because it limits the available supply of professional services and therefore increases our market value.

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books


    Noct – Yea that was the shock, was trying to adjust to the grading style. I had not researched how this was graded until I got involved and started taking tests and my results didn't make any sense. It makes sense when broken down like that, but like you said it's very different than the traditional tests I was used to taking. But it does explain why I can feel like I did well and get poor results, then feel like I did crappy and get better results.


    Since people get to cry and vent in here too…Failed Audit for the 6th time. It's been almost a year and a half since I've graduated, attempting this. I thought for sure I'd have passed on my last two attempts, and they come out as 65…

    Going for Reg now since I felt the passing thing, and learning well. Taking that exam soon.

    I don't even know what to think in life any more.

    Using Wiley Online & Beckers online.

    BEC – X

    AUD – 52, 57, 63, 68, 65, 65 (1/17)

    REG – X

    FAR – X


    i had given AUD 4 times. My scores were 71 (Nov 10), 74 (Jul 12), 74 (Oct 12), ??( Jan 12). I was pretty confident that i will pass AUD in Jul and Oct but was shocked to see my results. This time i hope to pass. My testlets were gettting progressively tougher, i nailed 4 sims incl. one research question, the other 3 i wasnt very sure. Hope to pass. Couldnt understand why i got 74 esp last time as i was happy with MCQ's and all 7 simulations. I was confused also as to what i was missing. My test reports also were conflicting one test report i was stronger in MCQ's the last one i was weaker in MCQ's. AUD is really tricky for me. i dont know what i will do if i get another 74 which i hope i dont get. Keeping my fingers crossed for wave 2………….

    BEC: 77(Nov 2010), 81(Jul 2012).
    FAR: 80(Jul 2012).
    REG: 72(Jul 2012), 78(Oct 2012).
    AUD: 71(Nov 2010),74(Jul 2012),74(Oct 2012),75(Jan 2013)- Thanks God, without you i couldnt have done this. I'M DONE !!!


    For most of us, there is an inverse relationship about how we feel when we leave the testing facility and our actual grade.


    I could completely relate to you Mazy Jane. The first time I took the Auditing exam, I scored 72, which was taken last year. Then, few weeks ago, I attempted to take the exam again and just found out to day that I scored 66. I still can't get over it and I don't understand what happened. I felt confident when I walked out during my 2nd attempt; I even completed the exam 30 minutes early but used up the time all the way to check my answers to the simulation. I am very disappointed and discouraged right now. I also took BEC early this year and scored 71. I'm using Becker materials to study. I don't know if I should attempt to take BEC this July or just take a break.


    AUD: 72 (July 2012), 66 (June 2013)

    BEC: 71 (January 2013)



    I will put myself out there and say I believe in your theory. They do have some kind of curve where they take the top certain percentage. However I have found that this works to my advantage since I only have to prepare better than 50% of the other candidates. At least 25% of the candidates are not putting in the effort that this exam requires. That leaves just 1 in 4 that I have to outstudy, because one is a freebie!

    Passed all 4 exams in 2014!


    CANT PAY. I have taken four exams and passed two. Each fail has been at the end of the testing window both 74's and each pass has been right at the beginning. My theory is that if I would have taken the two fails at the beginning of the testing period the first time then I would have passed. Coincidence? Maybe..but I like conspiracy theories. I am sure other candidates have the same story. I took BEC yesterday and felt prepared. If I fail then that will make me say “Hmmmmm…..”


    You are definitely seeing the light here bcarmi4384! Testing earlier in the window automatically puts you first in a selection process, a selection process that ends at some point. Just think, it takes them almost three weeks to calculate those test scores, which for the most part are calculated instantaneously. Previously, the time lag was even longer until countless complaints were finally heard and the policy was changed. Candidates argued that the time lag actually, which is completely unnecessary for “real” grading, was only meant to hinder moving onto a new section, or even reviewing a potentially failed section – 18 months is history book in no time when grinding out study session after study session. Conspiracy or not, the facts are clear, the AICPA delays releasing grades for some reason that is not even practical. I believe “real” grades become “magical” grades because of aforementioned reasons. Not only that, but how much do the policy makers, decision makers and managers earn at the AICPA because of revenues generated from re-applying, re-testing, etc. I bet they do not work more than 30 hours a week and have the most cushioned jobs in the history of the world. In other words, they commit themselves to being unethical to maintain there status as accounting “demi-gods.” Who is regulating the AICPA? I don't think anyone is regulating the AICPA. I mean is there a way to subpoena my exam, video tape of me testing, data files and grading methodologies/practices? No means exist and even if they did, you would have to see every other candidates information to form a valid opinion on the validity of the grading of the exam. Meanwhile people slave away working 60+ a week just to afford to take the exam.

    On a side note to parallel our previous discuss. Recently, I applied to work for the government as an IRS agent. I was not selected and requested a written statement as to why I was not “selected.” According to the rep, once the government finds the number of people to fill the positions based upon validated: veteran status, work experience, education, etc – then it totally stops contacting people. In my case, five of the first veterans who applied were chosen to test for the position. She hinted that if you apply on day one of an opening, you are have a profoundly higher chance of being selected. I was majorly qualified in terms of education, but completely eliminated because of the governments policy of hiring veterans first and foremost. Not that it is a bad thing, but I was not even given a chance. Also it did not help applying on the last day of the job opening. Honestly, I think the same system is at work at the AICPA. Once they have the estimated number of passing grades based upon the estimated number of people taking the exam, then the rest is just psychometrics to eliminate people. Just think, the AICPA knows exactly how many candidates are going to take the exam in advance of the exam and when they are going to take it. I would think most people wait until the end of two month session because of how the system works to our disadvantage: two testing months and then a black-out month, available seats at the closest testing facility, etc. I am definitely going to experiment and take the exam in the beginning of the session.

    Congrats on passing FAR and AUD. People say FAR is the hardest and BEC is the least difficult. Is that why you took FAR first and are taking BEC last? I thought it would be best to get the least difficult done first, leaving me with one less concern as the months role by.


    @ can't pay

    Did you memorize the standard audit opinion letter (unqualified opinion)?

    What about the qualified opinion, disclaimer opinion, adverse opinion?

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)

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