Best way to Approach AUD

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    I have limited exposure to the topics covered in AUD. I took one AUD class in college and it really wasnt the best experience for me. Any tips to help me study? In the past I’ve found it hard to grasp topics that i don’t have much real life experience in….

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  • #637818

    It really depends on the study information you are using. But with audit the more reps with the multiple choice questions the easier it is to learn. Its all theory. I think the biggest things to make note of when you are studying is the differences between issuers and non issuers (Reports, and requirements during the audit) and the differences between audits, reviews and compilation. Also focus in on internal controls. But remember its very little math on the exam so the more reps you take with the questions whether you get the answer right or wrong, the more it will benefit you.


    So this is one of those tests where memorizing the MCQ answers arent necessarily a bad thing?


    Not at all. The more you memorize the answers the more sense it will start to make. I finished the multiple choice on my exam in about 1 hr flat. I got stronger on all but two topics. The other two were moderate. The multiple choice section carried me through the exam. If I were you I would still read the material and study it but most of my learning was done through the multiple choice section.


    thats assuring cause probably by exam day i will have done close to, if not more, than 5,000 quesitons between becker and ninja


    Nice. Ok so what are the SIMs like? Will the MCQs help me on the SIMs too? And would you recommend paying for the Ninja MCQs if I already have the Becker material?


    The sims are a completely different monster. Know your ratios and what issues will have an effect on the Inherent Risk, detection risk and audit risk. I was an auditor at the time of taking it and that still didn't help me with those because the scenarios they give you are really vague and you have to just determine the outcome. If you have the multiple choice down, you wont be completely blind on the simulations. Also know when you should trace and when you should vouch.


    I'm currently employed as an auditor, but I haven't been here long enough (just 1 month) to know what I'm doing yet. For the SIMs would you recommend doing a ton of practice SIMs or just focused on how to apply that section of the lecture?


    I have to disagree. Because audit is less intensive in math, it tests you on word play and for that reason it can get tricky. You need to understand the concepts behind the MCQ's and know why you get it right or wrong.

    If you take and pass FAR before AUD, it will benefit you in the sims. I did it backwards and paid the price by failing twice, and subsequently ended up passing FAR on my first try.

    Audit will be one of those exams where you walk out thinking it was easy, and end up failing because of the word trickery. You think you are picking the right answer because of familiarization, but you didn't take the time to understand what they are asking. Memorizing MCQ's can hurt you, although it is the method I used. I just didn't do it efficiently.

    317 CLUB


    @scarecrow you should never just memorize the multiple choice but with audit multiple choice questions are the best teacher. You just have to be able to see exactly what the question is asking. And when I say do the multiple choice I mean learn from what you got right or wrong and why you got it wrong. Not just keep doing the multiple choice and memorize the answers. Sorry if I wasn't clear with that @CorporetteCPAintheMaking



    I knew what you meant. We were on the same page.


    I second: MCQs reps. It seems like a pain, but if you get enough exposure to the topics/concepts/wording it will all start to stick.

    If you can get to the sims with enough time to search/use the AL, you're in pretty good shape. A lot of the answers are in there–but you have to have the time to look. I didn't practice many sims, just a ton of Ninja MCQ. I definitely saw practice MCQs (or very close) repeated on the exam. Much more than with FAR and REG!

    It also helps to write out the different types of reports–compilation, review, various audit opinions, etc.

    PS I hated auditing class in school! The test is not as bad 🙂


    I am in the process of studying right now. I have gone through the Becker lectures for Audit 1 and then have been working on mult choice and looking at flashcards. Did any of you use Becker (my firm pays for becker so I obviously went with that). Do you find the lectures to be helpful? I feel like the guy kind of just reads over the material page by page and then tells you what is important. I am taking audit at the end of Jan/beg of Feb…haven't got NTS yet (this is my first exam). I also have ninja notes for audit. Any recommendations would be helpful (this is a bit overwhelming).


    Ninja MCQ all the way. Get them. You won't be disappointed. I'm testing for AUD Jan 24. I've been at them for 2.5 weeks with 1350 question attempts. I hope to have doubled that by the time I test and have a solid foundation for the test.

    BEC 7/14 - PASS
    FAR 10/14 - PASS
    AUD 1/15 - PASS
    REG 4/15 - PASS

    AZ license - Official 8/20/2015


    My experience says, “pure memorization”. That's how I passed AUD myself. In retrospect, my auditing experience wouldn't have helped much.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    @dustindd23 I am completely done watching the becker lectures. I can say that it has been a big waste of time. I am doing a lot better reading the material on my own and studying it that way and I HATE reading. If I were you I would read the chapter and make your own notes. Study those and then go to the multiple choice questions.

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