I have mixed feelings on that advice. I haven't taken the exam yet (I am through all the chapters and am reviewing now with 2 weeks to go) so I can't speak from any experience. Obviously wavingmyhands is smart based on the grades so I value his/her opinion but it completely contradicts what Beckers breakdown of exam topic % states. If you look at the Outlines it tells u what % of the exam should be expected:
Evaluating audit findings, communications & Reporting = 16-20% (found in A1, A2, A4, A5, A6)
Accounting & review service engagements = 12-16% (found in A2)
Engagement acceptance & understanding the assignment = 12-16% (found in A3)
Understanding the entity & its environment, including IC = 16-20% (found in A3)
Performing Audit Procedures & evaluating audit evidence 16-20% (found in A4, A5)
Professional responsibilities = 16-20% (found in A6)
Personally, I was told by several friends that took audit to focus on A3-A4. The Topics in A1 are definitely very important to lay the basis for understanding but once you go through everything that stuff is kind of basic and second nature. I'm not sure if I would listen to the don't bother with A5-A6 comment either because they make up a large portion of the test. Granted I found A6 very easy and kind of common sense because a lot of that is covered in the other 3 sections but its still 16-20% of the exam. Again I haven't sat for this section yet but I'm just basing this off of what I've been told and Beckers breakdown.
BEC - 83 (1/23/15)
FAR - 80 (4/3/15)
REG - 88 (5/14/15)
AUD - 81 (7/3/15)