AUD CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 202

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  • #157973

    This is for people taking their exams in the July/August 2010 testing window.

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  • #254649

    Got my score this morning. 81. What percent does nasba allow to pass?



    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    you passed! congratulations!

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    Anyone in WV receive their scores yet? I am unpatiently waiting to receive my audit scores, but since I am out of town alot on audit, I don't get to the mailbox daily.

    BEC 75
    REG 76
    FAR ?
    AUD ?


    How do you think the Becker material compares to the actualy exam? With BEC I felt that Beckers questions prepared me well because they were much harder. Has anyone found it to be the same for AUD?


    After getting my 74 on audit, I've had a ton of trouble continuing my studying for BEC…I got my detailed grading today and feel even worse.

    Weaker, Comparable, Stronger, Stronger, Comparable

    It says that you can't recalculate your grade and this is probably why…

    Planning (22-28%), I will use 28% since it is my worst area…. I scored a 60…. 60 * 28% = 16.8 points

    Information (32-38%), I will use 32% since it is my best area…. I scored 88…. 88 * 32% = 28.16 points

    The remainder I scored 81, 83 and 84, I will call it an 82 (low side)…. 82 * 40% = 32.8 points

    My grade based on this would have been a 77.76!!! and I went on the low side of everything!!!!

    If I weight them all the same I would have a 79.2!!! ((60+81+88+84+83)/5)

    It is going to be tough swallowing this one.

    3 Letters

    AICPA released 12 scores today, 1 auditing score. that's just awful. how can they not be done yet. it's only three days until the next testing period.

    good luck to any of you out there still waiting.

    REG - 96, FAR - 92, AUD - 77, BEC - 78


    After waiting 12 days after the Audit scores were released, NC mailed them yesterday and the mailman left my scores. This was my second time around for Audit and as the time wore on, I was pretty sure I failed again and was planning to retake in Nov. Much to my surprise – I passed and I'm done with the CPA exam nightmare!

    Jeff – this site kept me sane during the past 8 months!

    Good luck to everyone!

    BEC 77; FAR 81; REG 80; AUD 71, 79


    Yay! Passed! First try! One down, three to go…

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