Audit will be the death of me

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  • #833323

    I scored 56 on audit on my first attempt because I believed I might get away with bsing by just memorizing Becker answers. I skipped the lecture because of Tim and the way he swallows his phlegm and keeps saying “alright” and “again.” I’ll be retaking Audit on Oct 2 (90 hours of study time since I work full time). I am planning on listening to the lectures and reading notes and doing all the MC questions again.

    On Becker final exam I score:

    1st Teslet: 73%
    2nd testlet:63%
    3rd testlet:63%
    Sim were ridiculously hard

    Becker 2nd final was lower than the first

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  • Author
  • #833344

    Me too.

    Newbie CPA Candidate


    The multiple choice questions test memorized facts and the simulations test understanding.


    reviewing some of the actual standards helped me grasp concepts and prepare for sims
    i was able to work quickly through several long sims because i knew right where to find answers

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    spending 48 hours on chapter 1,2,5,6 of Becker
    spending 48 hours on chapter 3 and 4


    My exam yesterday went hmm ok-ish. The first teslet was Med, I flagged about 4 questions. Second teslet was extremely hard, I ended up flagging about 10 questions. Third teslet was extremely easy, I flagged about 3. Three out of the sevens were extremely easy. Sims based on ratios was pretty easy, I just hope I got my calculations correct (they provided the formula sheet). 2 of the sims were based on control risk, inherit risk, and detections risk which I guessed because I had no idea what the questions were asking. 1 sim I completely left blank because I did not have enough time (hopefully this was the pretest)


    Iamonloose , they asked to calculate ratios in AUD ? or you had to interpret the change in ratios ? how many research questions were there ? Could you use AL for other SIM ?



    Since you seem to be worried but I had a question about ratios on my exam and they gave me a tab of ALL the formulas. I did have to interpret the ratios. Most exams usually have AT MOST 2 research questions. Every single SIM is allowed use of the AL and it's VERY helpful, so I would make sure to learn how to use it. I used it at least on 5/7 of sims.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    They gave me a tab with formulas as well. I just had to plug in the numbers and use the calculator to get my answer and interpret it. I felt good about my answer, I just hope my calculations were correct. AL was really really really helpful. Good luck!


    This is what you want do w/ AUD.

    1. Print UQ, Q, A/D audit reports & UQ review & compilation reports.
    Staple/tape the print-outs on a side of a wall in your room.
    Every morning (and whenever you get a chance) at least two weeks before the exam, with a cup of coffee,
    read out each report. Should only take few minutes.

    Try to visualize the reports after few days without looking at the print-outs.
    I had all these reports memorized word for word without even trying by my exam date.

    2. IC & Cycles.
    I was able to draw flowcharts per each cycle and write out what ICs were needed when & where.
    That's where you want to be, too.

    3. Independence.
    Augment whatever review materials you are using w/ following link that will lead you to “Plain English
    Guide” to auditor's independence:

    4. BL.
    Drill MCQs. Read explanations if you were even a just a little bit unsure (even if you got the answer

    I think that should do it.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    I remember my AUD retake scaring the crap out of me because I swore there was nothing more I could've done to know that material any better. For my other two retakes, I knew where there was room for improvement.

    I think AUD has the easiest material to learn, but the way they test it is trickier than any other exam IMO. I think a lot of people, including myself, know the material well enough to pass AUD on the first attempt but don't take the exam carefully enough and get tripped-up and fail. What helped me get over the hump was just moving much slower through the questions, and justifying why the other 3 answers were wrong – not just picking the answer that seems obviously correct and moving on. I really didn't feel like I was learning a lot of new things when I retook AUD, but rather changed my approach on how I process and answer the questions and it helped me boost my score by 11 points. Just go slow and really think about what they are asking you, you'll nail it next time 🙂

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016

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