Audit tomorrow – what are my odds based on these numbers from Ninja?

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    Total study time so far: about 80 hours, less though because I tend to walk away with it on, or get distracted while doing mcq sets. So probably closer to 60.

    My trending score is quite high as you can see, but I feel like that number is artificially inflated because I like to do “missed last time seen” on the mcqs just to drive the point home. I’ve noticed that raises trending score quite a bit. Also, I’ve only seen about half of the questions total, and only a handful of simulations.

    I’m taking audit tomorrow just to take a shot in the dark. I know it’s a long shot, and I haven’t prepared nearly as much as I should have, but what are my odds actually looking like?

    Thanks all

    Weekends are meaningless to a CPA candidate

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  • #759837

    I spent 55 hrs doing 4100 mcq. Trending 96.5%

    Took audit yesterday and simulation was very hard. MCQ was okay i think..

    Format was little different so read carefully

    Materials: Wiley book + Ninja MCQ

    FAR - 83 (Jan 2016)
    Study time: 6 weeks
    BEC - 87 (April 2016)
    Study time: 2 weeks
    AUD - 92 (July 2016), (74 Feb 2016), (72 May 2016)
    Study time: 4 (Feb) + 2 (May) + 3 (July) = 9 weeks total
    REG - (70 April 2016)
    Study time: 3 weeks


    I'm not using Ninja,so I don't know how helpful this is. It's hard to say if those numbers included a lot of repeats. I'm using Roger, and I hovered around 65-70% for my MCQ performance as a whole, but those included no repeats. I didn't want to screw up my stats, so I just went back and reviewed by looking at the explanations only for the ones I got incorrect. I completed each section of MCQ after each chapter, then completed a few practice exams consisting of 90 question sets. I may have had a few repeats in my practice exams, but not many. I know I hit less than 1,000 questions and I think Roger has around 1,500.

    You never know what may happen. I'm kind of in the same boat with you and FAR. Realistically, I'm expecting a retake in April but I've heard it may be easier to pass in this window so I'm giving it a shot. In a way, I think it could actually be at an advantage because it puts you in a relaxed mode. If you're expecting to fail and already ok with taking it again, then it doesn't put as much pressure on you. Good luck!

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    4100 MCQs in 55 hours? That's 48 seconds per question. Are you just flying through and not paying attention to the explanations? That's incredible timing. I'm taking my time, reading all the explanations when I'm right or wrong, going through those definitions, etc. Taking notes, writing down questions and answers when I miss them, etc.

    And yeah, I'm not really expecting to pass, just taking a shot in the dark. It's not a mind over matter confidence thing, I'm simply not as prepared as I would like to be. I feel good about what I know so far, but I would definitely like another month to pound a couple thousand more mcqs, lol

    Weekends are meaningless to a CPA candidate


    Just took audit today. Guessed on most of the MCQs and my sims were pretty difficult. The sims were mostly FAR based though so at least I have that under control. The technical stuff was manageable, but the judgement/conceptual/theory content was so random it's hard to tell how I did. I feel like most of the questions were “maybe, maybe not, probably, sure ok why not, yes no maybe so” etc. I hate the theory stuff, give me Far or Reg any day :/

    I definitely think my first testlet was average, the second one was harder, and the third one was easier. The second one was harder because the questions were much wordier with tons of double negatives and weird situation. It had much more qualifiers and the situations were harder to interpret, then the answers themselves were very wordy too. The third testlet was quite easy though.

    Who knows :/

    Weekends are meaningless to a CPA candidate

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