Audit study tip advice needed.

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  • #187164

    Does anyone have any tips on the most efficient way to study for AUD? I’m currently taking notes, doing MCQs, then making FCs on the topics I don’t understand. I seem to be learning ok this way so far, but it is taking forever! Since I have no Audit experience, I find myself having to write many notes almost word for word in order to fully understand them later. I’m only starting Chapter 3, and I’m really bored with this strategy. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on learning AUD In a more efficient way, especially when you have zero prior knowledge of Auditing.

    Passed all sections.

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  • #582053

    Your process sounds pretty much the way that I did it. I took a TON of notes too.

    Yes, It's grueling at first. Really hard and boring when you don't know the material (like me)

    Maybe you can go back and review ch. 1 & 2 to refresh your memory, and break up the monotony, and also give yourself a boost when you start getting ch 1 & 2 questions correct. That shows that your work is worth it.

    Keep it up.

    FAR - 86 - 2/27/14
    AUD - 75 - 5/29/14
    BEC - 80 - 8/31/14
    REG - 89 - 2/27/15
    Praise Jesus! I'm done!!

    Study resources:
    Wiley test bank


    Thanks, Tux. About how long did it take you doing it this way?

    Passed all sections.


    I study pretty much the same way. No audit experience, one audit class in college that was okay, but very general, so the specific stuff is killing me. Lots and lots of notes. I'll probably have less than I did for FAR simply because there's less content but I think it'll be a close one.

    If I continue at the pace I'm at it'll be about 75 hours I think.

    One thing I have noticed about AUD is the more you go on the easier it gets. I don't think this applied to FAR where every chapter was basically starting from zero – I mean there's overlap on the basics because accounting is accounting, but generally you're doing lots of different stuff. With AUD, I was really struggling at first, but it's getting much better as the bigger picture starts to fall in place, you really kind of get an abstract feel for what's actually going on, you get to know the procedures more, AUD questions stop sounding like a foreign language. This was a big advantage at the beginning, my course starts with an overview of auditing and engagement planning, both which I knew very well from my audit course. Some of the MCQs seemed impossible if you hadn't yet developed that big picture of an audit, a very general broad overview of the process, but I got them right away because that's exactly what my audit class focused on.

    I still hate it, though.


    I watched all Becker videos (highlighting the book and taking notes in the book)

    Then did a first pass of the MCQ's taking notes on notecards

    Then did a more detailed pass of the mcq's, really trying to test myself and learn everything this time around.

    Then jumped around a lot and focused on weak areas.

    I studied full time for 2.5 months.

    FAR - 86 - 2/27/14
    AUD - 75 - 5/29/14
    BEC - 80 - 8/31/14
    REG - 89 - 2/27/15
    Praise Jesus! I'm done!!

    Study resources:
    Wiley test bank


    Even though it gets more complicated in certain parts, I find A3-A5 much more “interesting” than A1 & A2 in that it's not just a long jumbled mess of words. It seems the first two sections are all about memorization of report types, what apply to each type, etc (very monotonous). In A3, understanding the process of auditing transaction cycles definitely requires you to take your brain off autopilot and think critically. That in itself makes it less boring and frustrating. Also, I like Mike Brown quite a bit more than Gearty, but that's just me.

    Passed - 2014

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