Audit- round 2

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    I took Audit a few days after tax season (April 17) and failed with a 73. I had previously passed FAR & BEC both using Becker, but for some reason it didn’t take this time, even viewing all of the lectures and working the MCQs twice. My confidence is a little low because auditing wasn’t my strong subject in college, and I’m wondering if anyone has any advice for round two which is scheduled for late July.

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  • #229360

    I was in your boat. When I got my 69, I was already half way through the REG material. So, I took a vote and most people recommended I just keep pushing through with REG. Once I took that test, I took a lil break and then did a quick 3 week cram with AUD to re-study. When watching the lecture videos the 2nd time around, I started realizing that I didn't have everything mastered. I always hesitated on A3 and A4. I also realized that I was only scoring in the low 70s on my multiple choice. So I (1) re-watched the videos, (2) read my notes, (3) did that chapter's multiple choice, and (4) flashcards. Once I finished A1 and A2, I did simulated exams with only questions from those chapters. As I completed each additional chapter, I keep increasing the # of chapters on my progress exams. For me, the key was MC. I re-took AUD on 5/20 and I think it went well. Time will tell…


    75 CPA

    Lambers, with Garland as a teacher, has the best lecture for AUD. Gleim Online and Gleim Test Prep will help you to locate all of your weaknesses.

    I thought that Becker did a very good job for AUD (and a terrible job for BEC). However, Becker was too much high speed and low drag for me. Lambers was more my speed.


    If you use Becker to restudy, I'd suggest only reading the book and doing MC. In my opinion, viewing the lectures again is not as helpful as reading through the book multiple times because they completely pass over lots of the small, important details.


    Nickk71333 – I scored a 73 on AUD the first time using Becker. I took a 4 month break studying for FAR and then a 3 week cram 55 hrs for AUD and passed with an '81'. During the four month break, I did not look at any AUD material. My tips would be start as if it is the first time. Re-watching the lectures is a personal preference, I hate to read so watching the lectures is what I did, if reading is more your style then read the book. Go through the multiple choice questions including supplementals, mark any that you get wrong so you can go back to them, maybe make a flashcard about the concept. Hit the show text button in the Becker passmaster software and read the part of the book for any questions you missed. I know the button is not perfect but it is pretty good. Also, read the correct and incorrect answers for any question you missed. Do progress test as you progress through the 5 chapters. If you are scoring below 75% on the progress test, you probably need to go back and spend more time on the previous chapters. Last, during your review, make sure you concentrate on your weak areas you identified and the ones according to your diagnostic report. Be cognizant of the percentages. Approximately 55-67% of the exam material is covered in A3 and A4, so if you do not understand those two chapters you virtually have no hope in passing.

    I now you can do it, you have passed others and you are so very close. Good Luck.


    Jeez, this isn't inspiring since i am now using Becker for the first time to study for Audit. One thing i noticed is that you took the test immediately after tax season. Knowing how my schedule is, i know that those weeks are pretty draining. Maybe it didn't take because of your hectic schedule during that timeframe. Good luck

    REG - 77, AUD - 85, BEC - 75, FAR - 80


    Work multiple choice questions until your answering them in your sleep. 🙂 I realize my input only comes with half merit as my score is currently outstanding yet, but the questions in the AUD section are tricky, poorly worded, and ambiguious. Therefore the more questions you use to practice, the more obvious the call of the question will become and hopefully the better you will do on the exam!

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