audit retake- advice needed

  • Creator
  • #1606259
    shawn in VA

    Hello Everyone,

    I took AUD a few months back and got a 69. I work in TAX and have ZERO AUD experience. I put in 100 hours when I got my 69 score, and was actually surprised I even got a 69. I was expecting way lower.

    Anyways my question is I have to retake and only have 18 days to study. I work FT, can put in about 5 hours a day max.

    What do you suggest to make best use of my time and get from 69 to 75 ( or 0 to 75 depending how you look at it) ? Is this even doable in 18 days? Wondering if I should just wait til next window (early oct) but not my ideal situation.

    Like to hear people thoughts.

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