Audit Restricted Report

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  • #1711811

    Does anyone have an updated comprehensive list of when to restrict audit reports? I found this one from 2015 in the forum, but just wanted to check. There’s some in the list that I’m iffy on. Thanks!

    -Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements
    -Reports on the application of the requirements of an AFRFW
    -Prospective FS are restricted to specified users
    -SPFS prepared in accordance with contractual basis of accounting
    -SPFS prepared in accordance with regulatory basis of accounting
    -Compliance audited FS
    -Engagement letter (which is not a compilation report that is not expected to be used by a third party)
    -OCBOA – The auditor may decide to restrict the use of a compilation or review report to certain specified parties (example: when the subject matter of the report is based on criteria other than GAAP)
    -Compilation report that is not expected to be used by a third party
    -Comfort Letter or Letter for Underwriters
    -Review report on an assertion about a subject matter
    -Written assertion report when the client is not the responsible party
    -Financial Projection
    -Partial Presentations
    -Communication of SD & MW under FS audit (this is not required under the audit of IC)
    -ICOC Report

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