This was a hard one for me also. However, I remembered by using the below notes.
I use CTS for completeness – Completeness-Trace-Source for completeness. Start with the source document, for example, shipping documents, inventory count sheet etc. Start with source document and trace back to ledger to make sure the financial statements are complete. Test to make sure that nothing is missing in the financial statements.
I use EVJ – Existence-Vouch-Journal – Start with the GL (journal) and vouch transaction to source document. You want to make sure that everything in the GL exists.
Assertion about valuation concern whether balance sheet components have been included at appropriate amounts. The questions are normally related to net realizable value (gross accounts receivable – allowance for uncollectible accounts). Making sure that allowance is appropriate.
Please see below for some more of my notes – I hope this helps.
Testing of Relevant Assertions
Completeness – Are all transactions reflected in the balance for the period? Perform analytical procedure, and reconcile sub ledger with control account.
Accuracy – Have the balance for specific accounts been recorded appropriately. (Make inquiries)
Valuation and allocation – Are balances reported in accordance to GAAP? (Trace, vouch, test)
Existence – Do the accounts and balances exist at the balance sheet date? Inspect and Confirm, vouch transactions.
Cutoff- Have transactions been recorded in the proper period? Consider whether transactions near year end have been
recognized in the proper period.
Rights and Obligations – Are the assets, expenses and payables those of the entities. Inspect contracts, cancelled checks etc
Occurrence – Did the transactions relate assertion that occurs? Review contracts and agreements, vouch transactions
Classification and Understandability – Is it properly reflected as an expense, asset or liability on the financial statement. Are they properly disclosed (Read financial statements and disclosures)
AUD 4/14 72, 7/14 89
FAR 10/14 68, 2/15, 78
BEC 4/15, 75 Thank you God! One more to go!!!
REG 5/15