Hi, It was ok the exam. Here's what I remember:
1- Agreed upon procredures – MCQ
2- Lawyer inquiry questions about adjustments from a situation about a company Ex. ABC company accrued $15,000,000 and the lawyers understand the company will win the litigation. And you proposed an adjustment or not etc. – Simulation
3- Asserttions – Simulation
4- Flowchart, Ex. #1 the AP clerk receive an invoice from I dont remember and you choose from the multiple choice what you can do to mitigate risk. #2 Is the vendor a new one? and you choose from the choices what you can do for the mitigating control. its 8 questions. I think is the order when you receive an invoice from the start to the end (when the controller verifuies weekly checks) – Simulation
5- 2 authoritative literature
6- I recommend study well the review standards, compilation.
7- study the auditos day retention on PCAOB and not public. ex. 5 years retention, audit documentation
8- study the fraud in the FS
9- study the EXCEPTION questions (all)
10- Memorize in detail the assertions
11- IR, CR, DR
12- Government
13- Financial statements use outside the US
14- Fraud
That's what I remember. I recommended you to study all the Ninja MCQ and try to complete all the questions good. Don't study what I just post. Study all the material and pass.
Journey Started - June 2015
AUD - January 20, 2016