Audit: concepts vs. memorization

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  • #187061
    MR DIM

    Is memorizing the material for Audit a necessity or can you get by with a good understanding of the concepts?

    I am nearly all the way through the material and have averaged around 80% on the MC questions first time through. I have not memorized anything (besides basic mnemonics) and have just been answering the questions based on my knowledge of the overall concepts of the material. Has anyone else used this approach to pass the exam? Or is memorizing a must for this section?

    Also, for those who studied with Becker: Are the questions you saw on the exam similar to what is seen in Becker in terms of difficulty/wording?

    BEC (5/29): 85
    FAR (7/1): 95
    AUD (7/24): 87
    REG (8/26):

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  • #581672

    I'd argue understanding the concepts over memorizing them IS how you pass the exam.


    I'd say concepts are far more important but even still there is a fair amount of memorization especially when it comes to reports and types of opinions.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I'd love to hear some answers to your question – I am in the EXACT same boat. It kinda freaks me out that I'm scoring so high on the Becker exams and haven't spent any time memorizing. My approach to each question is just “well, I guess this one makes the most sense.” There is no way that would have gotten me anywhere in FAR… so I'm scared. I feel like the exam could really throw us a curveball.

    I hope we hear how the exam compares to the Becker material. I've read in other posts that candidates thought Becker prepared them very well for AUD – but the question remains, did they MEMORIZE the material?

    FAR - 90
    AUD - 91
    BEC - 86
    REG - 87


    Oh great question! I am also in the same boat. I feel like I am doing well, but AUD seems so much different than the other three. As this is (hopefully…come on REG score!) my last exam, I would hate to be going about it the wrong way.

    From other threads it seems that the biggest curve ball that shows up is a JE sim. Although clearly that is within the realm of audit, it is not realistic for most to do a FAR review in case a complicated adjustment pops up.

    B: 84
    A: 8/8/2014
    R: 7/11/2014
    F: 84


    I'd like to know as well lol. I'm halfway through Wiley and I'm averaging 80% on the MCQs.


    Personally I feel that concepts are more important than memorization for all them, but mostly for Audit. You can memorize every word in the book (or lectures), but I don't think you'll pass with that…but if you understand the concepts, no memorization is necessary. I didn't intentionally memorize anything and got a 91 or something like that on this part.


    For me, I think memorizing is how I internalize the concepts. For instance, I visually memorized the basics of the various reports, which helped me nail the concepts behind the different kinds of work. In the end, understanding the concepts is what gets you the pass, or else they can throw stuff at you that you haven't memorized, and you'll have to guess. If you have the good conceptual base, you can deal with a new idea by reasoning it out.

    If you have a good gut feel for the concepts already, that's great– however you get there works.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    I am in the same boat… AUD exam in a few days, and I haven't memorized anything, just pretty much doing questions based on common sense. Getting high scores on the MC, but kinda worried as I've heard of people failing this exam despite studying way more than I did.


    I'm trying to force myself to memorize the stupid mnemonics… The only ones that are kind of helping me relate to the different report organization (MR DIMM REPPORTS CRAME, CAR MR ARSOM, AMISAD MRFIRSALA). I also think the assertions are good (COVERU) and knowing which ones relate to transactions/events (COVEU), account balances (CVER), and presentation/disclosure (CVRU).

    I might try to memorize more ratios, too. I'm shaky there…

    Is there anywhere else anyone thinks memorization helps (or helped!) them in AUD??

    FAR - 90
    AUD - 91
    BEC - 86
    REG - 87


    Concepts are definitely a good tool (just as in actual auditing on the job), but there's a fair amount of parts where if you memorize a certain area, it'll help…such as always tying the testing of capitalization with repairs and expenses. It helps to know WHY the connection is there, but as long as you know there is a connection, you would get that one right

    AUD - July 2014 - 76
    REG - August 2014 - 82
    FAR - November 2014 - 78
    BEC - January 2015 - 81


    Used Becker online. Who needs a text when you can burn your eyes out staring at the screen for months on end?

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you're hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"


    I'd say both are equally important. With reports and ratios you either know the specific wording/calculation or you don't know. The ‘concept' doesn't really help. With the procedures the concept can carry you pretty far because it helps to know what procedures are necessary for whatever type of engagement because you get a feel for how much is too much or not enough. If that makes since.

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)

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