Audit and FAR in April?? Audit retake 4th time!!!

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  • #192054

    As you can see my score below, my audit score is just whacked and I think I did everything I could. For my last Audit, I use the Ninja MCQ, have the Ninja Notes and flashcard. I read a lot of forum comments on this site too and I understand that we should not remember the answer and I try to understand all the wrong answer as well. I have the trending score of 86% heading to the AUDIT exam and still get another 62. I get the fact that when people restudy, they have to redo from the beginning. i even recorded the quality time as well when we study. I put in about 125 hour studying time when I did it and still receive another 62.I have ROGER and I even buy the old book of Gleim and also borrow my friend book from Becker. I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I DID WRONG? that ‘s true. I keep asking that question whether I am just a dumb a** or this exam is really not for me? I still remember Roger saying ” if you study, you will pass” But for whatever happen, I try to keep a positive thinking.

    So that is my story, now I plan to schedule for FAR next sunday 02/22 but I just move it to 04/04 because I feel like I am not ready ( or maybe never ready…) and plan to take Audit on 04/19. Since I already have the background for these two, what should I do since I have 6 week till FAR now and 8 week to Audit? How do you folks studying 2 subjects at the same time? I just have feeling I am walking to matrix and did not which path is the right one? Plus everyone has a busy season right now too so how can I do it?

    Shout out to you JEFF— I bought quite a few material from you but I did not know if I did the right thing or I just did not know where in this process I did wrong???

    It really hit to the point where I am tired of this exam and really want to knock these out. when I started this path, I promised myself that whatever happen, I will not give up. but I am LOST now. can someone help me out please?????

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"

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  • #648166

    Buy Becker


    @Ken IMO if you can take it on 2/22 you should. There is a chance you could pass and you don't want to waste a testing window. You can take it on 2/22 AND in April if you don't pass. If you don't take it on 2/22 it is as if you failed anyways because of the missed opportunity. All it will cost is money.

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    I don't think the point is money. I just need to find the efficient way to study. I already move the test on April and I plan to take them down in 1 testing window. How do I study those 2 at the same time since I already know what the test is like? The method? all I know that the way that I have been studying is just wrong and I did not know why???

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    How long until you lose a section? If it's coming up soon I'd at least try FAR on 2/22 so you've got 2 shots at it.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @mla 1169

    I already passed REG and BEC. BEC will expire on 10/25.. I already make up my minds that I will do FAR and AUDIT back to back in April so I will have to find way to study these at the same time ( at least few people said FAR and AUDIT is kind of related). That is not the question. The true question is how can I study these and pass?? 3 obstacles:

    * I first plan FAR in 02/22 but I decided to move( so I feel like 70% ready, but I am not ready to see another Knock-out ) so I basically have the background. I feel like I am ready for AUDIT last time but look at my score. Just a stupid me!!

    * I am working at a CPA firm and basically everyone is going through busy season now so I just have to find time to study.


    I have wedding in June.!!!

    Jeff or someone else out there used to do this!! can you guy help me?


    I do not think more material will help. I really want to know what the heck I did wrong here?

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    So what you're asking is how to start studying aud on 4/4 and take the exam on 4/19 or how to study FAR and AUD simultaneously during busy season? The only people I've seen do either of those were not working. This is not what you want to hear but it needs to be said. It's taken you 10 or so months to pass 2 exams, trying to squeeze two into one month particularly during busy season is unwise.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    If you're looking for the most efficient way to study, then concentrate on one and only one exam at a time. The only thing you're going to do trying to study for both AUD and FAR at the same time is significantly increase your chances of failing both again. And don't fall for the ol' line of thinking of “well, there are a lot of similarities and material overlap between FAR and AUD”. While that may partly be true, they are still two separate exams and there isn't that much material overlap to make studying for both at the same time an effective or efficient strategy. Eight months should be plenty of time for both so long as you don't waste your time by resorting to desperation plays such as the one you're contemplating.


    I see what you guy mean. After all these failure, I still think it will be really difficult as well. But like I said, I already planned to take the test on 02/22 but i moved because I scared the see the reality. What I am saying is that i have mastered about 70% of FAR for retake and now just restudy AUDIT?? So basically there is no efficient way to do that???

    Jeff- where are you???? I am really lost here. Can someone give me an advice?

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    There are an entire slew of threads of folks wanting to try to study for two sections at once. I'm sure Jeff has chimed in on some of them. But you've already seen both the AUD and FAR exam multiple times, do you feel at this point there is significant similarities/overlap between the two?

    I discourage the mindset of “restudy” for AUD, think like you're taking it for the first time.

    Best of luck to you.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I am studying to retake AUD for the 4th time, embarrassing, but it is what it is. I work full time, have kids and I'm married.

    I don't think its impossible to study for both at the same time, back in the day of the paper tests, they studied for all four parts. And if you did have to study 2 tests at the same time FAR and AUD make sense together.

    Currently what I am doing for AUD is taking practice tests and picking the topics I score the lowest in. I am going back and taking notes, writing my own notes on that section and then answering every MCQ again. If I miss it, I make a note of the correct answer and why the wrong answer is wrong.

    My problem is not that I am not studying correctly or that I dont have all of the different study materials. I do not read each question in full and catch those little words or phrases that make or break your answer. I read online last night to read each question and all 4 answers like your life depends on it! I laughed because at this point my sanity depends on it.

    But after taking notes and going back over the MCQ I am now scoring 89-92% instead of the 60's I was scoring.

    Figure out your major weaknesses and study those. A lot of FAR and AUD ones can be studied together. Good luck!


    Feel your pain. Took audit 3x and scored 72 twice..even shown stronger in simulation and failed. Still at a loss, how is it possible I didn't pass. Left the testing center thinking I got at least in the 80s. I plan to do 1 exam at a time until pass. Two exams at once will require intense studying and juggling if you work full time. All the best !

    Roger CPA Review + Ninja Audio + Wiley Test Bank+Ninja MCQ

    FAR PASSED 7/14
    AUD 72(2x)- 8/2014, Rematch 04/15
    REG 02/2015
    BEC 06/2015

    "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength". Philippians 4:13

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