Audit 2013 vs Audit 2014 - Page 3

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  • #182174

    Hi all,

    I was wondering what the differences are between Audit 2013 and Audit 2014. I have the audit 2013 book for becker and have ordered the 2014 version (it was only $15), however, I want to start studying now. I dont want to waste too much time studying old material so I was wondering if anyone knew exactly what the differences are between the 2014 and 2013 tests. Thanks!

    B-Nov 25

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  • Author
  • #501566

    At Yeti – I too was not happy I had to pay that much to get the updated Rogers Books for 2014. It really came closer to 80 bucks if you add in the Shipping costs and fees.

    Oh well I did it just for REG and FAR – hope I will be done with the CPA exams there and not have to buy any more 🙂

    FAR 05/27/14; 786/110 - Done !


    At Yeti – I too was not happy I had to pay that much to get the updated Rogers Books for 2014. It really came closer to 80 bucks if you add in the Shipping costs and fees.

    Oh well I did it just for REG and FAR – hope I will be done with the CPA exams there and not have to buy any more 🙂

    FAR 05/27/14; 786/110 - Done !

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