AUD – What worked for you?

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  • #1595982

    I am studying for Audit again and was wondering- what worked for you?

    I use Wiley, and I was thinking about doing this- read the section, do the MCQ for the section. If I do well, continue, if I do bad, go back and review, figure out what went wrong. Then between each section do 10 MCQ of review (I’ve studied audit in the past so it isn’t like I am reviewing say, Ch 1, and haven’t learned the materials already previously). Just continuing like that so that the information is always fresh in my head.

    That’s my study plan, what was yours and what worked/didn’t work for you personally?

    Thanks for the responses in advance!

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  • #1596011

    Writing the AUD process in a straight line. Then making bullet points of the necessary steps for each step in the process and summarizing the whys. The steps or things I did not understand I tried to explain to my wife then have her explain back what I just said. I learned the most from correcting her and answering her questions.


    Thats a great idea, having a discussion about topics helps a lot. Makes me wish I had an in-person study group.


    I felt that I had sound understanding of AUD and ended up 70.I started Ninja MCQ and noted the references in answer very carefully.I took the test in a set of 50 questions.Then I studied Auditing standards noted in answers of Ninja .This is golden for AUD MCQ.I got 80 in Ninja mock test and 79 in actual.I had solved 90 questions in actual exam 100% correct.I didn't practice Ninja SIM though and yes I didn't do good in SIMs.I also solved (just once ) questions just because it was arranged chapter wise and I wanted to make sure that I have no doubt in any specific chapter.
    For AUD MCQ ,Ninja mock test is best ,also for BEC.
    You will not regret your decision to go for NInja MCQ for AUD .


    Wannafree – I've talked to the customer support and have been told that the Ninja MCQ are practically the same because they get them from the same place that the other review courses do. I hear a lot about this “adaptive learning”, but I don't know how much that really will help me and if its worth the $40. I feel like I'd be buying questions I already have.


    Hi Jay, I took AUD prior to the format change. To me that's a pretty big caveat, but for what it's worth, here is what worked for me.

    I used the Roger prep materials, and would view the lectures for a section and then test all of the questions (limited to 30 MC per practice quiz). I reviewed the solution explanations for all the questions, both those I got right and those I got wrong. After finishing the lectures for all sections, I went back through and retested all questions I got wrong the first time, and again reviewed all solutions. Once I had correctly answered every question in the test bank once, I began running practice quizzes and exams of a random sampling of questions from all sections.

    My first pass of the question bank would range between 60%-80% correct. I would say my average score per 30 MC quiz was 70-72% correct. On my second pass through the questions I got incorrect the first time around, my average scored was probably around 75% correct.

    Once I had correctly answered all questions once, and I began doing a random sampling, I believe I was getting between 78%-95% correct. Average was probably a low 80%. The course is expired so I can't review the specific results.

    I probably only completed one practice exam and a handful, maybe five, randomly sampled quizzes by the time I took the exam.

    What this approach did for me was force me to apply the knowledge while it was fresh. It helped me iron out the bits where I understood incorrectly, or did not understand at all. Going through all the incorrect questions at the end helped review and reinforce what I learned.

    I'll also add that I used this same approach for the other exams, and have no idea if it was sufficient to pass. Good luck on your studies.


    Thanks Radez, and with a 98 you didn't just pass, you crushed that exam! I think your studying plan is similar to mine- keep reviewing while you're studying to keep the information fresh and also focus on problems you got wrong.


    Granted it was several years back but I bought the Ninja notes and copied them word for word three times over (ten pages a day for ~30 days) and got in 20-100 mcq per day at the same time. I really remembered more on my third attempt and it got my score from a 71 to an 84.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Auditing was a rough one…I'm hoping that I don't have to take it again. I probably valued the Gleim audios the most for this section.

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    Mtaylo – I've already decided that I will be listening to the Ninja Audit audio whenever I can (with the exception of when I'm at the gym). I like getting the visual of the studying and the audio of the, well, audio haha. I feel like it helps to learn the material by hearing it on different “mediums” (ie: paper, audio, video, etc.)

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