AUD Tomorrow – Ready?

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  • #1580255

    So I am taking AUD tomorrow and obviously super nervous. This will be the first time taking it and I have 0 work experience. This could be my last exam. I initially felt like AUD was coming really easy, but I feel like the practice questions and the SIMS are pretty low quality on Roger. MCQs seems ok on Ninja but finding some discrepancies.

    Either way do you think I am ready? Anyone take the new exam have any last minute suggestions? Did your AUD Prep feel similar to how your AUD exam went?

    I’m 2,403 MCQs deep (1,301 on Ninja) and 60 Sims Average 84%, Trending 86.67% in 8 weeks of studying. I’ve printed out every type of report, the QC standards, and a handful of the AU-Cs to keep reviewing. I just don’t know what else to look at.

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  • Author
  • #1580285

    You're ready. Looks like you've done really good prep. Just relax and clear your head. At this point, overthinking is your main enemy. You know the material. You don't need work experience.

    Remember, you don't rise to the occasion…you sink to the level of your preparation. Just fall back in what you've learned and you'll be fine.


    I think you are more than ready. Me on the other hand. I wish I had moved my schedule to august. but no regrets now. I hope you're test went well. Keep us posted


    Soon as the test loaded up and I saw the first question, I knew it was going to be a smooth ride. I ended up finishing with over 90 minutes left and was felt very confident throughout the entire thing. I feel like I probably over prep'd because I was comparing it to the other sections. In reality, at least for me, I think the mass memorization that is AUD played to my strength. Thanks for the pep talk I think I am finally done! Fingers crossed.


    Bravo to you! I have mine tomorrow.


    Congrats on being done!! Any recommendations for the sims?

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