AUD Tomorrow…

  • Creator
  • #188222

    Have done about 750 different Ninja MCQs in the last 3 days (too bad Jeff wasn’t doing a weekend 500 MCQ special!), with over 1000 attempts (questions repeated). Trending 80%. Haven’t touched the Sims. Wife says to STOP, that I either know it or I don’t, but I can’t stop. At least she’s letting me drink tonight (she’s pregnant and gets mad when I drink alone).

    Really wish I was up to 85% like Jeff suggests, but the 80% I’m at is better than the 77% I was at before BEC. I don’t know how I feel. I feel that I’m not prepared at all, but the MCQs say otherwise. I feel like every exam is it’s own nightmare, and this is the worst yet. I have no idea what awaits me with REG, but I can tell you right now if there is one exam I don’t want to study for again, it’s AUD. Granted, I’ve passed FAR and BEC, but I enjoyed studying for those. AUD has been a NIGHTMARE. Even Roger couldn’t make it enjoyable, and many lectures, probably all-in-all half the course, I found that I zoned out completely and didn’t learn anything.

    Anyway, hope everyone is doing well…as for me, I’m about to switch to whiskey, since my Prometric appointment isn’t until 3:30. Unfortunately, that means I’ll most likely miss the Aggies’ first game, and the first half of the Texans.

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  • #590041

    I'm in in the exact same boat…well, similar. AUD is on Saturday for me. I'm up to 1685 question attempts (jesus…I need my life back). A lot of those are repeats though. I'm trending 87% apparently, although it doesn't feel like it. For the past hour I've been attempting 30 question testlets to imitate the exam, and I keep scoring 73%. Hmmmm….I think tomorrow I'll do a few sims, but definitely not all of them.

    I do “like” AUD though….REG is the one I'm totally dreading.

    Good luck!

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015



    This is funny since we are in the same boat as well. I will have AUD this Friday. Look like everyone is pounding hard and hard on MCQ and I am working on those area as well (MCQ and WTB). I read a few recommendations that people usually read the book again from the beginning to the end the day before the exam. Maybe I will try to do it tomorrow and let myself loose on Friday. What is your recommendation? How is everyone doing?

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    Exact same situation. Passed FAR and BEC and have REG tomorrow. I agree that this is the exam I definitely would not want to study for again, as it is almost purely memorization. Best of luck to all of you!

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