AUD – October-November 2009 Window - Page 3

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  • #156702

    Hello all,

    Can any of you pass along some AUD exam tips. I have a few friends who walked out quite confidently and did not pass the exam, which is making me very nervous.

    I am using Becker and take the exam on Oct 10th. Any specific matter that I should focus on in these last two weeks.

    Thanks a lot!!

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  • #209564

    I'm not sure of the exact number of hours, but if I were to guess, probably around 130-140. I started studying for AUD during my final quarter of undergraduate, and finished briefly before I graduated this August. I probably spent around 4 hours per day for 3 weeks, which was integrated with 24 credit hours of class, so I was pretty busy.

    I took a break from AUD to start studying for FAR, since at the time it was only August and I wasn't planning on testing until October. I came back to AUD this past week after a month break to review all chapters, topics, MCQs, and simulations. I ended up spending around 6-7 hours per day for 7 days during this final week.

    If you stay focused you can definitely do it in 3 weeks.



    This is actually my second time around with AUD. I took it on Aug. 31

    and I got a 74. I also probably spent about 150 hours preparing for it.

    I only missed by 1 point. I think I went wrong on the sims.

    Unfortunately, in preparing for the redo at the end of Oct., I am seeing

    the same questions in all the study guides. These were the questions

    released over the last few years by the AICPA. I think I have most of

    them memorized. How did you do on the other exams?


    This was my first exam. And you're right, after a certain point it doesn't really help to do any more MCQs. The final exam I took using my software resulted in a 97, but I felt that was inaccurate because I had seen all of the MCQs at least once.


    Hello Everyone, I'm new to this cool blog site. Actually, I'm new to everything in accounting….graduated college 2 years ago……

    Well, I took AUD just for the “experience”, since I was not able to study because of personal/family issues.

    I didn't use a review course, just looked over my college AUD book for a few days.

    Last week, after several days, I finally opened my score notice, just to see how bad I did, and was shocked when I passed with a 77! Believe me, I'm NO genius, my GPA was 2.5, and my high scool education was a GED…….

    The only thing that I thougt I did right was in the written-communication portion of each of the SIMS, I kinda knew what they were asking, but wrote plenty to make sure I got my point across……

    I hope to take FAR next in January '10, but after going over many posts in this site I'm starting to freak-out……


    Hi, I'm new in this blog. My friend told me about this blog.

    I will take AUD in October 21 and I'm scared, someone can give me a tip for the SIMS.


    I have changed the name of this topic (from "AUD tips)…I created a topic for this, but as it turns out – someone had already created one (which I appreciate).




    Taking Audit Wed morning! I think I'm ready but then I start to freak myself out. I'm off work all day tomorrow to study. Any last minute tips from anyone? I've been using the BISK software & have done all the MC. Planning on doing more simulations tonight & watching my Intensive DVDs tomorrow along with more MC.

    Have to pass this time or I lose my BEC credit. I'm retaking FAR Nov 25th & have to pass it too. I just need to remember to breathe! LOL



    I really admire you for your persistence. Looks like you have taken each exam 3 times. I like your spirit!


    Spirit or just crazy? LOL No I'm not a good test taker-knew that going into the exam so I knew I'd struggle with it. But now it's a "I won't let this exam beat me-I'm smarter than it!" mentality. I want to become a manager in my firm & we can't move past staff level without passing the exam. I've only been there 3 years so I have a ways to go to make manager but I want to be CPA a few yrs before I am a manager.

    I've never given up on anything & I won't let the CPA exam & the AICPA be the 1st!



    I am taking AUD on Oct. 27. Do you recommend memorizing all the auditor reports? This would include the standard report plus the reports for Compilations and Reviews.


    No, I don't recommend taking the time to memorize them…

    Something to check out if interested:

    9. Did you memorize the different audit reports in order to pass Auditing?

    October special:


    I took AUD on the 19th, and all I can say was wow. I did 1,000+ Becker questions, and 750+ Gleim questions, and I'm not going to lie, I saw TONS of questions that were straight from both software programs.


    "I took AUD on the 19th, and all I can say was wow. I did 1,000+ Becker questions, and 750+ Gleim questions, and I'm not going to lie, I saw TONS of questions that were straight from both software programs. "

    That's because they get their questions from previous exams…they buy the right to use them from the AICPA…Wiley and others get their questions from the AICPA as well.


    Hey Jeff- I didn't feel like I saw as many questions from becker or gleim on other exams. Any ideas why AUD seemed to utilize the most?


    No idea…it's the luck of the draw, I suppose.

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