AUD Study Tips?

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    I have recently started studying for AUD, and am having a rough time with the material. I am using Becker 2011. My background is tax, and my undergrad audit class was not the best. I am not used to studying material of this nature. Any suggestions as to how to master and remember the material. The material seems to emphasize every little detail, and I usually get by with putting numbers together and making sense of them. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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  • #259031


    I can totally see why studying for audit can be hard for someone who's a numbers person! I think the best way to go around audit is to make lots of notes – for me, that was the easiest way to understand the larger picture and be able to see the link across all the chapters.

    Also, you've probably heard this a million times, but make sure you solve every MCQ you can possibly lay your hand on – everything from Beckers, cpareviewforfree and whatever other resources you may have. Audit sometimes feel like a tricky English exam where you can lose a lot of points for just not reading/interpreting the statements correctly.

    Hope this helps..Good Luck studying! 🙂



    Hey-I hope your Audit studying is going well. I took Audit right after Thanksgiving and I attended the Becker Live courses and they were really good! The professor explained that with Audit,you need to read every explanation to why the answer is the RIGHT answer. This really helps. Also Audit is a great section to risk focus your studying. If its not heavily tested save it for later like govt and comparative financial statements. I don't know my score yet, but I completed all the Becker questions 2-3 x's and the supplementals.

    Good luck!

    REG-90, BEC-75, FAR-73 (02/12/2010--Waiting for results), AUD-88


    @ CPAsomeday19,

    I also have been working in tax and did not do so well in my one auditing class. So when I started studying for auditing, I was kinda worried that I wasn't going to do well. For most of the topics, repitition of mc is key. I also read the book (I used Wiley) when I didn't understand a certain topic. I also think studying for FAR right before AUD really helped me out as well. Anyway, I just did a whole lot of MC. Good Luck!

    75 CPA

    Yes, take FAR before AUD.

    AUD was my last exam and it was the only exam that kicked my butt. I solved the problem by using Lambers and using Becker. If Becker is difficult to understand, back up and buy Lambers for about $300. Garland with Lambers is a first class teacher and he will teach you things that Becker does not cover.

    However, the only way that I passed was to do about 3,000 questions. I never did more than 500 questions for my other exams, but AUD is a different animal! I found Gleim Test Prep very helpful in working on my weak areas, especially after I failed AUD with a 74.

    AUD is just a game of tricky word questions. I reached a point where I knew the answer without ever knowing why I knew the answer. Learn to play the game. AUD is too easy to study and AUD is difficult to pass.


    thanks for the tips. I have just been reading the ch's multiple times and pounding away at the mcq's. Unfortunately, I will be taking AUD before FAR due to my work schedule with tax season approaching quickly :((. I also forgot that I had purchased the gleim test prep q's, so I will be using them to supplement with Becker as well.


    cpasomeday19_ I dont think it matters that you take FAR before AUD. I would recomend taking AUD first because they hit the independace and ethic issues really hard and they show up on REG and BEC alittle. I think AUD gives you a great behind the scenes look and helps with the “big picture”.

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    Hey CPAsomeday19:

    I am in the same boat as you….Had a question about becker 2011 book…plz email me when you get a chance


    Thanks !!

    FAR - 82
    BEC - 79
    REG - 94
    AUD - 84

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