AUD Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 94

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    Welcome to the Q2 2015 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD.

    World Premier: “Unmodified” (Audit Reports Rap Video) 🙂

    Posted by Another71 on Thursday, November 13, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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  • #669760

    What's the threshold for Single audit, Becker says $750,000 and ninja MCQ says $500,00?


    @ egiorgi

    I think it depends on what rule will be asked.

    OMB CIRCULAR A-133 is $500,000

    TITLE 2 CFR 200 is $750,000

    I have asked the question as what is currently implemented and tested on but have not recieved a clear answer. I am just going to remember the rule names and hope that it is mentioned if a question is given.

    If anyone knows what is currently tested on please let me know. I believe Title 2 CFR 200 is currently implemented (but not 100% on this), its just a matter of whether or not it is currently tested on.


    While studying I have come across questions where I cannot pick the right answer but I know the 3 wrong answers of an MCQ. I have an internal struggle with the answer in that, I know the others are wrong, but I don't feel like the leftover answer is correct. AUD is harder for me that FAR so far.

    @capri1032 – I am using Becker and stopped watching videos after A1. I didn't feel like they were added too much to the dry topic of AUD which just needs a lot of MCQs to enforce the reading.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    The following case might help you guys with JEs. I know you are studying for the Audit exam,but a similar problem might be in one of your simulations.

    Mini Case 1: Art Specialist Inc.

    Jefferson Jerome is interested

    in purchasing “Art Specialists Inc.”, an auction house. The company

    receives the right to sell art but not to purchase the art themselves

    for a 5% commission. Art Specialists rents office space and Chelsea and

    holds its auctions at local hotels.

    Art Specialist Inc.

    Unadjusted Trial Balance

    December 31, 2009

    Cash $ 65,000.00

    Accounts receivable $ 36,000.00

    Supplies $ 8,000.00

    Equipment $ 53,000.00

    Accumulated Depreciation $ 14,500.00

    Accounts payable $ 5,600.00

    Dividends $ 50,000.00

    Capital stock $ 25,000.00

    Retained earnings $ 84,900.00

    Commission income $ 250,000.00

    Rent Expense $ 20,000.00

    Wages Expense $ 70,000.00

    Auction Expenses $ 56,000.00

    Depreciation Expenses $ 7,000.00

    Membership Expenses $ 6,000.00

    Supplies Expense $ 9,000.00

    TOTAL $ 380,000.00 $ 380,000.00


    Jefferson’s accountant, you have received the trial balance above as

    well as the general ledger. The review has found the following errors:

    Year end bank reconciliation showed that the balance should be $40,000.

    An customer should have been billed for $25,000 but it was recorded as

    a cash payment of the commission income.

    • Membership expenses are not related to the business and should be shown as a dividend to shareholder.

    • Depreciation expense should be $3,500 for the year.

    • Supplies expenses failed to record $2,000 in packing supplies used during the year.

    • Accounts receivables that have not been billed $10,000.


    1. Record the correcting entry.

    2. Prepare financial statements

    3. Current owners want $200,000 for the business. Jefferson does not want to pay more than Net Worth x 1.5. Should he buy?

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    lavendersky, about your q on reporting on assertions on IC for a non-issuer:

    I have come to realize from stuying for this AUD part of the cpa exam in particular along with the rest of the CPA sections that the “more right than the others” is the correct answer frequently — not necessarily the 100% correct answer.

    I looked up on AT section 501, and a “basic report” for reporting on mgmt's assertion on IC doesnt seem to include a ‘restricted party' paragraph. It would seem to be a ” financial reporting based on criteria established by a regulatory agency that are not suitable for general” that includes the ‘Restricted party paragraph' –so I think they dont classify a basic report as being restricted it seems?

    The answer choice: “A statement that the examination was made in accordance with AICPA standards and the examination provided a reasonable basis for an opinion.”

    is missing the “Attest Standards” wording so I might have chosen that answer but it is still more correct than the restriction paragraph based on their word “Basic Report”.

    I dont have Becker so I can t see what they wrote about it. I think that ‘Agreed upon procedures' can be performed in relation to IC assertions or subjuject matter; and those would be restricted by definition of Agreed upon procedures im thinking. But, your question is referring to an ‘examination on the assertion' im pretty sure so AT-501 applies.



    Thanks for your input! I agree sometimes is about more right than the others.

    The only explanation Becker gives about this ques is: (not that the explanation helps lol) -shrugs-

    Choice “4” is correct. A report on management's assertion on the effectiveness of internal control is not a restricted use report.

    Choice “1” is incorrect. A report on management's assertion on the effectiveness of internal control would include a statement that the examination was made in accordance with AICPA standards, and that the examination provides a reasonable basis for the opinion.

    Choice “3” is incorrect. A report on management's assertion on the effectiveness of internal control would include a statement on the inherent limitations of internal control.

    Choice “2” is incorrect. A report on management's assertion on the effectiveness of internal control would include an opinion paragraph addressing the fairness of the management assertion in all material respects based on stated criteria.


    You got to do what you have to do!


    @Claudia408: “Asked this Q before on here and didn't get much of a reply but I'll ask again in case anyone wants to chime in this time: How are you making the connection for management assertions (valuation & allocation etc), and audit objectives to substantive tests (objective: AR properly cut off w respect to sales in year 2. Substantive Test: Trace shipping docs to related sales invoices….). My weak areas… :(“

    I try to make these simple to myself, at the end of year 2, management says that the AR balance is $100,000. As an auditor, you will ask yourself, is that number correct? is it overstated? Management might want to show higher revenue by including sales that happened in year 3 and record them in year 2. For this reason comes the cut off test to make sure the sales belong to the correct year, you check the shipping docs to the sales invoices to see the dates and terms.

    For example, if you ship your product in December 30th, and it takes 4 days to get to the customer and the term is shipping point, it means you can recognize the revenue in year 2. Assuming the same example but the term is destination point, then the revenue should be recognized in year 3.

    i am not sure if the exam gets in these details but this is what I do trying to explain it to myself because the books can be very vague and confusing. hope this helps

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017


    Good luck to everyone taking the exam this weekend or next week!!!


    Took a practice exam in cpa excel and averaged a 80% on the questions but totally bombed the sims – half tried, but can't say I would have done much better. Got a 63% over all. I know everyone says you can't predict the sims and to focus on the questions but I am legitimately nervous now. I think I might end up doing sims just to get some better understanding of some topics. I'm working all week, hopefully I can really make this weekend count.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    How do you guys remember what goes in an emphasis of matter paragraph and an other matter paragraph ? I get them confused sometimes.


    @doover, EOM points outs something that is already in the financial statements, such as a note regarding a change in accounting principle. Other Matter is about anything outside the financiaLos.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    @DoOVer – EoM is to emphasize an item that is displayed in the F/S or Disclosures but the auditor wants to add extra emphasis for the reader. An OM is for things not in the F/S or Disclosures that the auditor wants to point out.


    EoM – Going Concern, Change in Accounting Principle

    OM – Restrict use of Audit Report, Comparative F/S not Audit-Audit but like Review-Audit or Compilation-Audit

    I am starting Becker F4 today and it is a big one in terms of HW. A lot of material to cover but 2 days to get in extra work. Plus my wife is out of town some next weekend so a lot of uninterrupted studying in my future.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    I have audit Tuesday it's my first test so I don't know what to expect. Right now I'm trending a 90% in Ninja MCQ with an average score of an 89%. I've done 2000+ questions. You guys think that's enough?


    Sounds like it. I was averaging roughly 90% correct for MCQs with Becker prior to my FAR exam and felt well prepared. As long as you know the ‘Why' you answered something a certain way, the test shouldn't trip you up.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed

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