AUD Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 92

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    Welcome to the Q2 2015 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD.

    World Premier: “Unmodified” (Audit Reports Rap Video) 🙂

    Posted by Another71 on Thursday, November 13, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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    I am taking AUD in 10 days and the only chapter I am really having trouble with (in Becker) is chapter 4. All the COVER U and tracing/vouching stuff is just so confusing.


    I am finding Becker AUD review just boring. It is like the same 5-10 questions repeated over and over with little variation. Maybe that is the point?

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    @jbarwick – I'm not using Becker, instead using NINJA 10 Pt Combo and Wiley Test Bank and feel the same way. Same Qs over and over in different variations, but one word could change the whole thing so just gotta be careful and READ the question closely.

    Asked this Q before on here and didn't get much of a reply but I'll ask again in case anyone wants to chime in this time: How are you making the connection for management assertions (valuation & allocation etc), and audit objectives to substantive tests (objective: AR properly cut off w respect to sales in year 2. Substantive Test: Trace shipping docs to related sales invoices….). My weak areas… 🙁

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    @jbarwick, I would agree. This is the third exam I've studied for and I felt like FAR and REG each question was about something completely different. For AUD it is more of, “here is a concept now let's ask about it 10 different ways.”

    But, once you notice the pattern in the questions it's a game changer.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    The first time I took AUD I was surprised by how completely different the questions were from Becker. I felt like I studied for a different test. I'm hoping this time it will be a better situation but I would just like to say you should be prepared to see unfamiliar topics during the test.

    Oddly the first time I took AUD I scored “stronger” on the SIMS. My MC breakdown was divided into 60% “weaker” and 40% ” comparable”. for this round I'm hoping NINJA MCQs are the difference. I'm going to hammer them the next 10 days


    So I take AUD in the morning. Just finishing up some final details then calling it a night.

    Good luck everyone as you finish studying before the end of May. It's been a lot of fun the last couple weeks.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    Thanks for all the great questions okcpa. I'd wish you luck but I don't think you need it. You seem to have a great grasp on the material. Your gonna crush the exam 🙂


    Good luck! Surreal I still have a little over a month left but it will come and go I am sure.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    Hi All,

    I'm using the 2013 Becker book for Audit (version B), along with Ninja MCQ. Listening to the Blitz, looks like there have been some major changes to the layout of the auditors report. Can anyone steer me in the direction of where I can find these updated audit reports?




    do changes in the auditor's work papers following the report release date need to be documented and state the reasons why and who? In the Blitz video it says that it does need to be documented but in roger notes it says the fact that these changes have been made need not be documented.


    Taking AUD for the second time on Saturday May 30th. Last time i took it was last May, got a 64.

    Using Becker. Hope I pass this time!

    A - (64) (73) (75)
    R - (82)
    F - (67)
    B -


    This will be my 4th time taking audit next week. There are two sims that I had on both of the last two audit exams I took. I can't remember the exact details, but I know the general questions.

    First: How is net income affected by the following independent situations?

    1.) Accrued expense needs to be adjusted down.

    2.) Rent expense need to be adjusted up.

    3.) Accrued payroll needs to be adjusted up.

    Basically is net income affected by these and how?

    Second: Control Risk and Detection Risk – How are they affected?

    Instead of stating situations, my question here is if detection risk increases, then control risk needs to decrease correct? On the exam, there are multiple independent situations and then I had to decide if they changed and how.

    It's time for me to pass this one. If I could get some help on these just so I know I'm answering them correctly, I think that will help me mentally. Thanks!

    REG: 55,60,76 Passed
    BEC: 71,73,77 Passed
    AUD: 59,67,72,72, 90!!! Passed
    FAR: 45,52,74,70,79 Passed!!!

    I'm done!!!!


    Hey gang, just want to check in and let you know that I think the test went ok this morning.

    If anything I gave myself a chance for a passing score.

    My only words of advice is just to do as many MCQs as possible. Audit, more than the other 2 I have taken, mirrors the practice questions pretty closely in my opinion. Good luck!

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    Good luck okcpa2015!

    BEC 05/12/14 77
    REG 08/25/14 82
    FAR 11/25/14 80
    AUD 02/25/15 72, 05/15/15 98! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    When an auditor does not receive replies to positive requests for year-end accounts receivable confirmations, the auditor most likely would:


    inspect the allowance account to verify whether the accounts were subsequently written off.


    increase the assessed level of detection risk for the valuation and completeness assertions.


    ask the client to contact the customers to request that the confirmations be returned.


    increase the assessed level of inherent risk for the revenue cycle.

    Ninja says the answer is C though it goes against everything I have read that the client does not touch/get involved in confirmations. I understand that we request again if not returned but that is the auditor's job, not the client's. Any explanations as to why this is wrong?

    BEC - 84
    REG - 88
    FAR - 75
    AUD - 71, Nov 2015

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