I have already taken the exam,but I wanted to see how difficult the new released 2015 release questions were, and I think this time around, they actually showed questions that were more similar to the actual exam (specially the difficult ones). The 2013, and 2014 that I practiced with before my exam were a joke compare to the 2015. I got 95 on the 2013 released questions and 90 on the 2014. This was my second time with Audit (got 72 on first exam),so believe me when I tell you that this questions are very similar to the real deal. I suggest you guys practice with these questions before your exam. I only practiced with the difficult ones and not the moderate. My score was 70 after getting scores of 85 using Ninja.
Through God all things can happen!
“You never fail until you stop trying.”
― Albert Einstein
When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”
FAR= 72-84
Audit= 73-82
BEC= 74-75