AUD Study Group Q2 2015 - Page 108

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    Welcome to the Q2 2015 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD.

    World Premier: “Unmodified” (Audit Reports Rap Video) πŸ™‚

    Posted by Another71 on Thursday, November 13, 2014

    Free NINJA:

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  • #669972

    Below is question and the answer and the explanation.

    My question is: I would think that” Loss on an uncollectible trade receivable recorded in Year 1 from a customer that declared bankruptcy in Year 2″ would just require disclosure in the notes since the event of bankruptcy happened after the balance sheet date. It would not require adjustments

    Any thoughts? thx

    Which of the following items would most likely require an adjustment to the financial statements for the year ended December 31, Year 1?


    Uninsured loss of inventories purchased in Year 1 as a result of a flood in Year 2


    Settlement of litigation in Year 2 over an event that occurred in Year 2

    Correct C.

    Loss on an uncollectible trade receivable recorded in Year 1 from a customer that declared bankruptcy in Year 2


    Proceeds from a capital stock issuance in Year 2 that was being approved by the board of directors in Year 1

    You are correct, the answer is C.

    For each event discovered subsequent to the end of the year under audit but before the audit report has been issued, the auditor would ask, β€œDoes this event provide additional evidence with respect to conditions that existed at the balance sheet date?” Only one of the answer choices meets this criterion. The loss on an uncollectible trade receivable recorded in Year 1 from a customer bankruptcy declared in Year 2 would be indicative of conditions existing at the balance sheet date (the customer's financial condition would have been deteriorating at the end of Year 1) and would require an adjustment so that the financial statements are not misleading.

    The other three answer choices provide evidence with respect to conditions that did not exist at the balance sheet date but arose subsequent to that date. Each of these events would require disclosure, but not adjustment, in the financial statements.

    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken


    Did you take your exam Trish? I can't remember if you pushed it to July or not…..

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    @golfball and others –

    I feel first attempt is the golden attempt to pass because i have noticed the question pattern itself will change for the subsequent attempts.

    This happened to me, when i took for the first time FAR and BEC together, questions were like manageable and got 74 & 73 respectively, In the next testing window i took only FAR and saw questions were really of a different type, though i passed with 76.

    After that i took BEC 3 times, i got lesser than 73. I have decided to take AUD in this 3rd quarter.

    Have you people noticed the difference in question pattern between 1st and subsequent attempts?

    @golfball, How was the exam specifically sims and ratios? more no. of questions were on cycles?


    @golfball. pushed it to july

    I live pracap analysis lol πŸ™‚

    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken



    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken


    Finished F4 early on Friday and start F5 partially Saturday and today. I continually got better on the Additional MCQs from Becker so it is coming together. I can tell afternoon MCQs are more taxing on the brain than an early morning sessions which is why I like early exams.

    I hope everyones tests went well or else studying for the tests. It will all be over soon.

    Anyone have estimates for hours studied for each section? FAR was at least 250 but probably closer to 300 over 12 weeks. I am thinking AUD will be 150 hours or a little less.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    I took the exam this morning. I did not think I did very well. On the one testlet, I had to guess between two answers on the majority of the MCQs. SIMS, I could not find the research question and I had plenty of time available. With my luck it was not from one of the main standard groups.

    Thank you to all of you that shared about using the AL for the SIMs, I confirmed the answers for two of my SIMs and I know they are 100% correct. For the rest of the SIMs: I guessed on some so I am hoping I get partial credit. I had sworn to not leave before the time was up, however I did leave with 45 minutes to spare. Some guy sitting next to me was typing so loudly that it was coming through my noise cancelling headphones and driving me crazy πŸ™‚

    I took today off and might take off tomorrow as well. I plan to continue working MCQs until I find out the result on the 9th. I know I pushed it with studying for only 3 weeks and 1 day however, changes in my work (not for the best) are motivating me to expedite this process. Good luck to all in your studies!


    CPA before 40 πŸ™‚ congratulations!!! I am happy the AL worked for you. The research question I remember that I didn't really even understand what the f#&$* they were saying!! after reading and answering 120 questions I could barely say my name let alone analyse an over the top worded stupid paragraph or choose between 18 answer choices for drop down OH GOD I hate the memory of sitting SIMS.

    So good for you in using and being successful on finding answers in AL

    You may very well pass πŸ™‚ YAY!!

    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken


    I only got 1 research question and used the AL for 3 others “word per word”….then I had a bullshit JE sim…..

    Sounds like you nailed CPA 40!!!

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Great job you guys!!!!!!

    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken


    Trish – I will be here helping/asking questions due to my track record πŸ™‚ Hope to help you in Q3 study group and I hope you help me if a fail comes!

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Hi guys! This will be my first post, although I have been visiting this forum for over two weeks (great resource btw!!) I apologize in advance for my writing since english is my second languange. My question is from audit sampling. I don't seem to understand the relashionship between assesing controll risk too low and sample size. I keep thinking that if my risk in assesing control risk increases then my sample size has to increase to when in fact according to wiley the sample size decreases. In other words there is an inverse relashionship here. I keep thinking if my risk of assesing CR too low increases then I have to increase my sample size because I will not want to rely on a low asessed CR when in reality the CR is higher.


    welcome cortes123

    My brain is dead from doing MC questions all day.

    The risk of assessing control risk too low is the risk that an audit sample conclusion is that the design and operation of an IC is effective when in fact it is not. which is bad for us bc we may issue bad reports

    and we also have control risk

    so if control risk is assessed at low at risk assessment it means that controls seems to be ok and it should be tested if relevant to f/s or assertion or if it may reduce audit procedure etc,

    AUD 69, 92 7/15 Gleim and Ninja test bank
    FAR sometime in 10/15 Gleim
    BEC not taken
    REG not taken


    Thank you Thrish. But isn't that supposed to lead me to increase my sample size? According to Wiley the relationship is an inverse one, an increase to the risk in assesing the CR risk too low decreases my sample size and I am not seeing it that way. Maybe I am too tired from all the reading :/.


    @golfball, you missed my comment in the previous page –

    How was the exam specifically sims and ratios? more no. of questions were on cycles?

    I feel first attempt is the golden attempt to pass because i have noticed the question pattern itself will change for the subsequent attempts.

    This happened to me, when i took for the first time FAR and BEC together, questions were like manageable and got 74 & 73 respectively, In the next testing window i took only FAR and saw questions were really of a different type, though i passed with 76.

    After that i took BEC 3 times, i got lesser than 73. I have decided to take AUD in this 3rd quarter.

    Have you noticed the difference in question pattern between 1st and subsequent attempts?

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