AUD Study Group Q1 2017 - Page 38

  • This topic has 569 replies, 84 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1396514

    Welcome to the Q1 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

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  • #1506276

    Just took AUD for the first time. That was more bruising than I had expected. A bunch on MCQ I hadn't seen before and the SIMs were completely different from ones I'd done on Ninja. Hopefully everyone else had better luck.

    I ended up completing ~950 MCQ and ~40 SIMs on Ninja as well as reading the first 2/3's of the WileyPlus textbook and doing most of the MCQ in the book. All told, I'd say I put in 100-120 hours of studying for this one. March 21 can't come soon enough. I'm thinking this will be a retake, however.


    Through 610 questions in Ninja. Average 79, Trending 80. How does this look? Hoping to get another 200 done tomorrow, a few sims, and write out some notes tomorrow before I sit early Wednesday morning.


    @scared_cpa – those stats look great! How did the SIMs go for you today? I find that they really help solidify my understanding with the material, even if I don't get a similar one on the exam. I worked through the Internal Control Transactions cycle today and yikes -_- lol. Definitely putting in some extra time there before my exam Friday.

    Good luck tomorrow. let us know how it goes!

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!


    SIMS are killer. I have done every SIM I could get my hand on. I've done WILEY, NINJA and BECKER final Review.

    I hope that is enough to get that 75.

    FAR - 05/2015
    AUD - 75,11/2014
    REG - 07/2015
    BEC - 09/2015


    Hey everyone, beginning my journey into AUD. Quick question, I see there is no Q2 2017 forum open yet so figured I would ask in here if anyone is having the same issue I am. Just received my book, my Becker software says it is up to date but when I view the lectures (updated to v1.3 which is the same as the book) they don’t match up like for like. Meaning, what I see on my scene isn’t exactly what I see in my text book. Anyone else have this issue?


    I woke up at my normal 5AM to study decided to check my email and I got my prometric exam reminder. I was checking the details and noticed my exam starts at 5pm and not 8am like I thought.. !!!! Omg that's like a whole extra day of cram time, so excited and I know only you guys could understand!!!!! I totally forgot I moved my time last month I hate early exams.

    FAR - 05/2015
    AUD - 75,11/2014
    REG - 07/2015
    BEC - 09/2015


    Hope we all passed!

    FAR: 74 1/15/16, 72 7/2/16 -_-
    BEC: TBD
    REG: TBD
    AUD: TBD

    "Nothing is impossible to him who will try" - Andy Bernard


    Received a 73 for the March 8 score release of my AUD exam.. The first time I took AUD I got a 74.. Looks like it's back to work..


    Took Audit today…Sims were a real pain in the ass


    Hello All!

    Just registered for Audit! – April 17th!

    Studying begins tonight!

    Becker's Audit book is much smaller than the others so that's pretty exciting.

    Please any tips for studying audit 🙂


    @jonnycrazy – uh oh. Pain in your ass like doable, or abandon all hope ye who enter here?

    I've got less than 48 hours and I'm going back and forth with what I should be looking at. I'm getting pretty burnt out and both want Friday to be here but at the same time want more study time.

    I hope you did well!

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!


    does anyone know where a good comprehensive list of what procedures are best used for each assertion?


    Well I'm taking AUD on 3/10. Last window of the old test. I am 3 for 3 so far. I've been in industry for 18 yrs and my masters was back 15 yrs ago. This has been a huge deal for me to finally circle back and close this loop in my resume.

    I've used Becker and been pounding questions like mad this time. I bought the extra questions etc I think I did like 1900, then at least another 1000 redoing them in random 30 questions a pop to pound it in.

    I'm dreading a miss and having to wait til mid Aug or later to finish this. I've spent like 160 hours so far studying and ran like a 73 avg on the 2 Becker finals. I saw a spreadsheet on reddit where they put together some data that showed becker finals vs scores and the mean was about 12 points better vs becker finals. (if I perform along these lines that has been trending to a solid pass…..) I've been 12-15 points better vs becker finals on my other 3 tests so far.

    Been running 80s on the practice MCQs I've been pounding. I printed the 2016 aicpa released questions hardcopy (on becker it reveals 25 are med and 25 are hard) and I seemed to run 21/25 on each equally. Knowing that the hard ones get extra weight I feel decently I can nail hard questions as well as “easy” ones. (Seems like the “hard ones” are just linguistically tricky or a little more detailed)

    There's a lot of tricky wording and questions on this one though and after reading up on here I am fearful I'll get a bad sim set.

    Thanks for all you posts it's been helpful to read what others have been seeing. Any last minute “spend tomorrow on x or y” posts are appreciated.

    For all it's worth I find doing afternoon testing best for me, drinking 3 cups of coffee at panera right before, eating light, and wearing comfy clothes helpful. Getting “quicker” at MCQs to where I can do them in like 1min vs 1.5 helps – I can take a little time to reread them etc and ensure I have SIMs time at the end. Hoping I can use sims time on this one to look up things/double check them in AL and boost my odds a little.

    Prayers to St. Pacioli!

    AUD PRAYING – 3/10 Test


    Took auditing today!! Hoping to get passing score in two weeks!!!

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