AUD Study Group Q1 2017 - Page 33

  • This topic has 569 replies, 84 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1396514

    Welcome to the Q1 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

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  • #1498593

    @Operation. first question, when the auditor assess control risk higher than needed means they are under relying the controls. In other words the auditor believe it is ineffective when it is working properly! So their assessment of the deviation is GREATER than the tolerable rate. However, this assessment is FALSE so in reality it is LESS than tolerable rate. Hence, D is the answer.

    question 2, if the auditor is assessing control risk LOWER than needed that means they think it is working properly when in fact it isn't. Bad Judgement. They think the deviation is LESS than tolerable rate but in reality it isn't since it is working well.

    Simply put, when you think the control is good then the auditor THINKS the deviation is less than tolerable. Think about it, if something works well we probably can see there will be less deviation, right? the opposite is true. When we THINK something is bad then there would be more deviation. Hope that helps!

    Sampling can be tough when you gotta learn the tainting factor etc. I still have issues with those. Hopefully, I will continue on with my luck of not seeing them come exam day!




    Thank you SO much. The helped me tremendously, great explanation. Best of luck to you on your exam!

    Lauren Gregory

    An auditor is required to reach a conclusion in every audit regarding whether there is substantial doubt about an entity's ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. If the auditor decides to mention the going concern problem in his or her report, he or she is precluded from:

    indicating the reason or reasons for the going concern problem.

    Incorrect B.
    issuing a qualified opinion on an accounting matter along with the going concern explanation paragraph.

    issuing an unmodified opinion on the financial statements.

    using conditional language in the auditor's conclusion about the entity's ability to continue as a going concern in a going concern emphasis-of-matter paragraph.

    Some auditors issue reports in which the auditor's conclusions about the entity's ability to continue as a going concern is unclear because of the use of conditional terminology. Conditional language concerning its existence is precluded by AU-C 570, The Auditor's Consideration of an Entity's Ability to Continue as a Going Concern.

    If the disclosures about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern are insufficient for the auditor, he should modify the opinion.

    Can some explain why B is incorrect? I thought you can only issue an unmodified with EM paragraph or a disclaimer with going concern?




    The general rule of going concern cases is to add an emphasis-of-matter paragraph to the unmodified opinion or disclaim an opinion. The decision between emphasis and disclaimer depends on the situation. You don't issue a qualified opinion in a going concern case.

    The questions says if the auditor decides to mention the going concern issue.

    Hope that helps!


    Just took my practice final on becker and score 55%, 57% and 60% No SIMS were done. Im scared.. well taking my exam later in the morning guess I am done and only can pray for the best!

    It would suck to go from a 74 to a 64!


    Lauren Gregory

    @txcpa2016 thank you!! totally understand it now. Ive done way too many practice exams today and my brain is mush.


    @Spartan I know you did well. Becker exams are useless, I stopped taking those, they are discouraging. I will be taking mine on Sunday, let me know how it went


    @Lauren, I m sure you did well on your exam. Do share your experience today. Taking mine in 10 days.


    Guys, I'm taking AUD next Wednesday, the 8th. I'm finishing up going through the material (Wiley CPAexcel) today or tomorrow meaning I will begin using Wiley Test Bank tomorrow or Wednesday. So I only have a week of review! How bad is this?

    PLEASE…someone give me advice on how to go about this week of review in the best way possible. How to study for AUD, what specifically to remember, anything! A week doesn't seem like long enough but I'm trying to make it work


    In AUD, how to go ahead with the chapter- Prof Responsibilities & Ethics.

    I use ROGER.

    Do we need to memorize each AS undr PCAOB, SOX- 101, 102.. etc…all sections , & Consulting service standards ?

    How to go about having a grip on all this ?

    Plz guide

    BEC- 43(Feb'16), Retake-June 10, (Wiley text book/WQB/NINJA MCQ)
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD
    AUD- TBD


    Hey @wc044

    Congratulations on you completing CPA exams with excellent score.

    Plz share AUD tips..

    I am giving it soon. I get confused by the tricky AUD questions.

    How to revise all the chapters in a go ?

    BEC- 43(Feb'16), Retake-June 10, (Wiley text book/WQB/NINJA MCQ)
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD
    AUD- TBD


    Is it safe to say that when answering questions about internal control (in the Becker Passmaster) that if they do not mention “issuers” or the PCAOB, we can assume it is not an integrated audit of a public company? Sounds silly I know, but just want to make sure.


    quick question guys, are management rep letters required for a review service?



    @operation from what I know, integrated audits are only for issuers because we report on the effectiveness on internal control. For non issuers we not require to report on the effectiveness of internal control.


    @spartan yes
    ULIARCPA (R is for rep letter)
    btw how was your exam?

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