AUD Study Group Q1 2017 - Page 30

  • This topic has 569 replies, 84 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1396514

    Welcome to the Q1 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

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  • #1479666

    Hey there,

    I have a question

    if you did the video classes without reading any material
    after that you take a quiz on that chapter and get 50%

    do you think that is normal ? good ? bad score

    I really would take your feedbacks about that as I am going through quizzes after see videos for each chapter and my average is like 50%

    so off-course once I finish the material videos I will start reviewing and take my notes and hit a hundreds MCQ

    is that unusual mark ?!


    @evs, that question is just poorly worded imo. I still have trouble trying to understand what it is even saying. Is this from Gleim?



    @abdulmajid Thats normal. Just make sure you understand why you got it wrong. I suggest you not rushing through the questions.


    becker chapter 4 sims are out of this world. uhhhhh


    I have until November to finish all 4 parts. I have passed FAR and just took BEC. I have AUD in less than 3 weeks (March 8th). I am using Becker and I am currently in section 2. DO I have a chance? Or should I reschedule and take it in the beginning of April when the new test comes out?


    @moose, I know even though it is my 3rd time it was ver overwhelming I skipped Tab 3 and 4 after the first 2 SIMS tab. Honestly though I have yet to see something to that extent on the actual exam. Becker SIMS are tough imo. @mefzr. I would still try to take it this quarter because you have nothing to lose. IF you find yourself failing you can immediately retake it in April. Don't waste the window.

    I will have to go back to Ch 4 Sims this weekend. Ugh



    @Spartan technically this is my third time too. I took this exam last year without studying assuming it will be a walk in the park, boy I was wrong. My score was 56 as expected. Then, I ended up studied for 14 days and retook it with completely skipping chapter 4. My first testlet was Medium, Flagged few. The second testlet was foreign to me, and third testlet was medium. 4 out of the 7 testlets were really simple, 2 were really hard, and the last one was DRS related to chapter 4 that I completely skipped (even though I had some time left). I assumed that DRS would be a pretest because it was so long with multiple tabs. I was really confident I would pass…BAAM a 67.
    I realized I can't half ass these exam, so, here I am studying every small detail and concept. Sims on chapter 4 are so discouraging.



    I have no clue where it's from. The Ninjas emailed it to us.


    Starting to study for AUD for Q2 using Beckers new version online. Does anybody know if they still have the Ebook with all the notes already on it? I don't watch the lectures and just copy the notes onto my book. Thanks!


    So management claims that their cash,asset, AR, Inventor..etc are:

    Valuation, allocation, accuracy
    Right and obligation
    Understanding and classification

    and we as auditor use substantive procedures aka test of details and analytical procedure to corroborate managements assertions.

    Substantive test are Five carrot cars mentioned above. am I correct?


    @mooseonloose What is becker chapter 4? I am studying from wiley so little curious


    @motiani Transaction cycles and management assertions, I believe its one of the hardest chapters on becker.

    I am now on sampling, question 1-4 of becker is so confusing. Can someone please explain whats going on?


    These Becker Transaction Cycle SIMS are so brutal. Im getting super nervous right now with few days left to review which I have yet to start.

    @moose, post some questions on here. Hope we can help clarify things for you. Which also gives us the opportunity to show we actually understand 🙂



    Hey guys,

    I'm finally done going through at least once all MCQs… i didnt get a chance to really take notes and read the lectures because i of course procrastinated…I'm scheduled for 3/9,, which i dont want to really reschedule, although i dont feel confident enough that i know the material… can someone give me advice on how I should get through the next two weeks? My thought process was to get through all SIMS and just hammer out MCQs everyday til then…

    any ideas?


    Scrap the sims (unless this is your first exam with sims) and just do mcqs and progress tests as much as possible. Reinforce the concepts through mcqs until you're hitting 90s on comprehensive progress tests (I like either 30 or 90 questions depending on how much time I have at any given moment). If this IS your first experience with sims just do a few to get the process on how to answer them and practice the research ones using the advanced search-once you get it, they're easy. If you've been through the material once and you still have until 3/9 you will be fine if you keep pounding mcqs.

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