It's more important to learn from your mistakes than doing more mistakes. What I mean by that is if mc homework are 100 questions, and you do 50 of them (with 15 mc questions went wrong) then looking at them again even the correct ones that you got lucky or were not sure while answer them. This is true also for sims.
It's much efficient and you learn more by doing it rather than doing all mc & sims and not reviewing your mistakes. But for sure, if you have time, the more the better.
Now how to pick mc questions that cover most of material? In my example were 50 out of 100. What I do, I do all mc questions that from CPA exams for the years 2005 – 2016, then if I still have a room to put more questions, I go and pick randomly but I make sure they are not close to each other (pick questions 5 then 9 then 18 then etc)
This is from my experience with the other three sections (except BEC) that I was lucky to pass it, and this is what I am going to do with Audit.