AUD Study Group Q1 2017

  • This topic has 569 replies, 84 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1396514

    Welcome to the Q1 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  • #1396652

    First post.

    Shooting to take AUD in the first or second week in January.


    Same here! 71 on the 5th. ๐Ÿ˜“


    I plan on retaking Audit on the 14th. I got a 67 on my first attempt ๐Ÿ™


    Studied for 3.5 weeks and got a 62 on audit. Taking it again on January 10th. First time around i only used Becker. I just purchased Ninja MCQ. If I pound out every ninja MCQ and Sim over the next few weeks, would that suffice?


    Just got my AUD score. Second try. I am consistently scoring “weaker” in ย ย Accounting and Review Services section. Any suggestions? Appreciate your input.


    Questions questions questions! But it all depends on which test you get. I had two simulations on derivatives and very difficult questions.


    I'm having a conversation with my fiance tonight, I want to do my retake of Audit at the end of January. I won't be able to get any studying done this week due to the holiday but plan to start first thing Monday morning. But I definitely need more support from everyone at home.

    We'll see what happens. I'm trying to have a positive attitude about the exam process but it's difficult.


    Took AUD twice a few years ago and scored a 72 and a 68. Now after passing FAR I've decided to go for round 3 with AUD on Feb 4th. I've already hit the review stage in the Ninja test bank and am finished with 8 of the 20 modules in Gleim.

    Really hoping I can knock it out this time and move on to REG.

    AUD-72(8 '14); 68(11 '14)


    AUD is my last exam. Since you can only take each section once per testing window, I'm in no rush and plan to use the whole testing window to make sure I pass this thing the first time.

    Will be using Gleim and NINJA MCQ


    My first (and hopefully only) match with AUD is scheduled for Jan 20th. I have no audit experience aside from being the client who is asked to provide evidence to support activity from throughout the year.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    Anyone knows when the are going to issue Score schedule release of Q1 2017? I do not want to schedule my audit exam before knowing the score release. This is my last exam and I am so nervous about it and not sure also when to take it, but the good thing is that I have the whole window for one exam


    Hi Forem004 ,
    can you tell us why you haven't pass on your first try on audit? have you not put enough time or? I am asking because your scores are very close to mine in the other three exams so I think you are the best one to advise me at this point.. thanks

    HelpHelpHelp :)

    Hi everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚ Taking AUD for the first time on January 30th… Hopefully my last test! But you're all getting me scared!

    Does anyone know if we'll be able to take the same test twice within one quarter for Q1 2017? I know they changed some things for people to take the tests before April… would that happen to be one of them? Or is this my one chance to take AUD before the exam changes?

    The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just MAKE the best of everything!

    We can do it!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Anyone using Becker? I have a question about one of the simulations I'd like someone's help with.

    Chapter 6, simulation 1, task 2, question 6

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    This is my 4th attempt at Audit.

    Scored 74 – yes a 74 – from my October exam. Was hoping to move on to FAR, but that was not to be.

    Right now, I'm trending 100% in Ninja – but I'm not in the “review” state yet. What do I need to do to get to the “review stage”? I can't seem to find that anywhere in the FAQ's. I want to pass this thing and move on to FAR at the end of January before busy season begins….!

    REG: 5/30/15 - 77
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 8/31/15 - 70, 73, 1/8/16 - 77
    AUD: 6/1/16- 73, 8/2/16

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