AUD Study Group October November 2017 - Page 4

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  • #1620149

    Welcome to the Q4 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your AUD exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1636054

    @STACY I am going to go through the becker final review to see the information one more time. After that I am going to go through all of the NINJA questions again. Hopefully I can find 4 more points in there somewhere!


    Hello Ninjas,

    Planning to take AUD Nov 27th. Plan is to use Wiley review guide along with Ninja notes and flash cards. Any particular areas anyone would suggest focusing on more than others?

    AUD-Ninja in training
    FAR-Ninja in training
    REG-Ninja in training


    Hello Ninjas,

    Studying to take AUD Nov 27th. Using Wiley review always MG with ninja notes and flash cards. Let’s see how this goes!


    Taking AUD on October 10. I am using Becker and I read the chapters first, then go through the lectors, then answer the MCQ, the take a cumulative test (I set the number of questions at twice the number of modules i have gone through in the book so far), finally, I review the test and investigate each incorrect answer to get a better understanding. This is the way I passed the FAR exam, and while I only received a 77, I'm sure I would not have passed if I had done it differently. The memorization that is required in FAR made the test difficult for me.


    taking AUD in NOV, failed two times before and this is my last chance to take (also my last section) before my REG credit expires!
    using Becker book and Roger video .

    AUD has been hard for me as I never understand the concept,
    all I do is memorize and I guess that's why I failed before.

    Any suggestion is much appreciated.


    Ended up with a heart-wrenching 74 during a 4-week cram at the end of July. Does anyone have any tips to supplement Becker/overall retake strategies? Planning on sitting for my retake October 20th!


    Hello Ninjas,

    I am planning to take Audit on Nov 20. I am using Wiley and Ninja


    Hi everyone. I'm prepping for stab #2 at AUD after a fail with a 67. Not sure what I need to focus on most because I honestly felt like I didn't do too bad…guess I got that wrong. I haven't schedule yet but hope to take it in 2-3 weeks.


    Hi everyone!

    I took AUD in August. They released the score & I got a 59. I will review it again and take it in October. English is my second language so AUD can be extra challenging. I also passed my college Audit class by a miracle and do not work in audit.

    I will review using Ninja materials only. My Becker subscription expired.

    Any studying tips are greatly appreciated.

    Good luck everyone! We can do it 🙂


    This will be my fifth time taking AUD in Nov 2017. Hopefully this time I come out a winner. My weak areas are “assesing risk and developing a planned response” and “performing further procedures and obtaining evidence”. I plan to focus on those areas more while covering all the material from beginning. For all the retakers out there what are your weak area(s) for AUD? And what is your average amount of retakes before passing a topic?



    My weak areas were also “assessing risk and developing a planned response”, but also “forming conclusions and reporting”. Surprisingly, I did better on the TBS's than MCQ. It makes me wonder if there are some applications out there to just practice MCQ's since NINJA got rid of that feature. I am a bit surprised by that because it was a good supplemental tool…

    FAR (66,68) Aug 26
    REG (66) July 25
    AUD (66) December 1st
    BEC - October 3rd


    Hi everyone, I'm here after scoring 73 in AUD and completely bombing REG and BEC. I was really under prepared for both but thought I'd give it a shot. I'm switching to Becker. I've been struggling to complete Gleims program in the recommended time, then I end up not getting through most of the material and winging it. So I've invested in Becker and will use my gleim as a supplement. Do you think I should get Ninja notes, I really don't need the whole package but unfortunately I may have to get it. I just want a quick reference through browse through on my lunch hour or breaks at work.


    So I need some help… I received a 3rd quarter audit score of 67, and I refuse to fail that section again (my area in public accounting). I have MDS cpa review, and the SNIPER package from NINJA, which I believe work very well together.

    I am putting in about 25-30 hours per week of study time, covering everything from flashcards, reading, lectures, sims, MCQ, all the way to re writing my NINJA notes. But here is where I need help: I am getting burnt out, and I am burning out fast. I am still a little over 3 weeks out from my exam. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent burning out? I am finding myself reading through each question about 10 times over before I can even begin to comprehend what they're even asking. I realize that it happens, but hey, I'd like to see what other people are doing.

    I am open for anything at this point!! SOS!!!!!


    @itagain I highly recommend the NINJA notes. They are great for a quick study sesh when needed, and I have seen improvements in myself through rewriting them as well. I would start by seeing if anyone you know has purchased a set and see if they would be nice enough to email you the PDF 🙂

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