AUD Study Group October November 2017 - Page 10

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  • #1620149

    Welcome to the Q4 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your AUD exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1645924

    @Althaea Thank you for your response. Now that I look back I really do wish I took FAR first. I am planning on taking that after AUD.

    So as far as understanding the concepts what are you focusing on particularly?

    I know I do better in A1-A3 and A4-A6 I do terrible. I could re-read the last three chapters.

    I am so relieved to hear about the mock exam being more challenging, I was so close to bawling my eyes out. It's pretty frustrating.

    Once again, thank you.


    You still have time to re-study your weakness chapters. We can't tell what are our actual exam questions, so we both to be prepared on all chapters. Also, practice simulations in AICPA website. Goodluck.


    Hey all – Currently studying A3, the section on sampling on Becker, and it is rough, to say the least.

    Any good outside materials that would help this make more sense to a non-statistics kind of guy?


    When you guys do progress test, how many MCQ's are u doing?


    Test Your Might: AUD – NINJA MCQ
    Post your answer in the Facebook thread for a chance to win a NINJA Sniper Package of your choice (Book, Notes, Audio, Videos, MCQ/SIMS, Audio, & Flashcards – $197 Value).
    One winner will be randomly chosen on Friday. HIYA!


    Hey guys, to those of you who use Wiley could you help me figure out this discrepancy between the online portal and the book?

    I think the ebook might be outdated or something, is there a way to update it? The post-April 2017 edition Wiley AUD book that I have covers Attestation Standards in further depth, including the 11 Attestation standards that we have to memorize. The ebook makes no mention of the 11 Standards, and in there it's split into Intro to Attestation Standards and Attestation Standards- Common Concepts. Also, there are a couple added section in the book such as a long one on Reporting on IC in an Integrated Audit as well as a section on Financial Forecasts and Projections, this is finished by a section on assurance at the very end that doesn't exist in the ebook. Which one should I trust?


    What's the difference between positive assurance and negative assurance?


    Positive assurance provides the external users with REASONABLE ASSURANCE that the Company's assertions (claims) regarding their financial statements are in accordance with a certain applicable financial reporting framework. Usually, this form of assurance is provided by an opinion.

    Negative/limited assurance basically states that the practitioner did not find anything make them believe the Company's assertions (claims) regarding their financial statements are NOT in accordance with a certain applicable financial reporting framework. However, when it comes to negative/limited assurance, the practitioner is not providing any kind of opinion as they would do with positive assurance.


    Weak area #1 – not heavily tested from what I understand but I am really weak in remembering and understanding the relationships with ratios – any advice?


    JB – That's perfect! Thank you!


    Hey guys, anyone used BECKER FINAL REVIEW? I have a little over 7 days for strictly review after i get through Becker course and thinking of investing in it. I REALLY DONT WANNA TAKE AUD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I LIKE THE VIDEOS, IM AN AUDIO LEARNER BTW.


    Hello everyone, I was wondering if you really have to memorize all typesof auditor reports?! Is it enough to just understand them?
    Thank you for everyone would take the time to answer my question. Good luck to all..


    @56_Moves. Much thanks for your response. It did help me realize that I needed to correct an association between materiality and RMMs.


    “Amandalovestoaudit” on youtube has some solid videos to bring the bigger picture together for audit. Just thought I'd pass it along as it was helpful for me. Her lectures are longer but she has some short & sweet vids also.

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