AUD Study Group October November 2013 - Page 73

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    Just finished my test. I am really nervous about whether I passed or not. 1/2 through I got really hungry and had a fuzzy brain. I was OK by the time I got to the SIMs. Has that happened to anyone else? I don't know which way to think. I flagged about 12 MCQs in my 3rd test let. I'm soooo nervous. Since I did well in my progress tests I feel like I knew the material so it is possible for my brain to have known the right answer without actually being clear.

    BEC: 80(8/10) expired, 77(10/14)!!!
    FAR: 79(11/10) expired, 80(8/14)!!!
    REG: 66(7/11), 70(1/12), 70(4/12), 73(10/13), 79(5/14)!!
    AUD: 43(8/11), 64(10/11), 65(2/12), 69(7/12) 64(10/12), 73(5/13), 64(7/13), 84(11/13)!!! Thank you Another71 for your help!

    Becker, Ninja Notes, Audio, Flashcard and Wiley test bank
    Yaeger and Wiley book for Audit

    I AM DONE!!!!


    Just finished my test. I am really nervous about whether I passed or not. 1/2 through I got really hungry and had a fuzzy brain. I was OK by the time I got to the SIMs. Has that happened to anyone else? I don't know which way to think. I flagged about 12 MCQs in my 3rd test let. I'm soooo nervous. Since I did well in my progress tests I feel like I knew the material so it is possible for my brain to have known the right answer without actually being clear.

    BEC: 80(8/10) expired, 77(10/14)!!!
    FAR: 79(11/10) expired, 80(8/14)!!!
    REG: 66(7/11), 70(1/12), 70(4/12), 73(10/13), 79(5/14)!!
    AUD: 43(8/11), 64(10/11), 65(2/12), 69(7/12) 64(10/12), 73(5/13), 64(7/13), 84(11/13)!!! Thank you Another71 for your help!

    Becker, Ninja Notes, Audio, Flashcard and Wiley test bank
    Yaeger and Wiley book for Audit

    I AM DONE!!!!


    I am very unsure about the test I took today. It didn't seem like the 2nd or 3rd testlets were any harder than the first. there was one topic I was dreading and of course it was a SIM!

    AUD - 65, 89!
    REG - 70, 89!
    FAR - 78!
    BEC - 77!

    Experience 06/30/15

    VA Licensed 09/15/15


    I am very unsure about the test I took today. It didn't seem like the 2nd or 3rd testlets were any harder than the first. there was one topic I was dreading and of course it was a SIM!

    AUD - 65, 89!
    REG - 70, 89!
    FAR - 78!
    BEC - 77!

    Experience 06/30/15

    VA Licensed 09/15/15


    Joining the anxiety group here soon, taking the exam this Saturday. Feel well prepared, but have always left the exams feeling uneasy so we'll see how Saturday goes. Good luck to you all, enjoy the holidays and try not to stress over the score (easier said then done, I know 🙂 )

    Licensed in Arizona


    Joining the anxiety group here soon, taking the exam this Saturday. Feel well prepared, but have always left the exams feeling uneasy so we'll see how Saturday goes. Good luck to you all, enjoy the holidays and try not to stress over the score (easier said then done, I know 🙂 )

    Licensed in Arizona


    Took AUD yesterday 1130. Did anybody else feel like they were hit by a bus afterwards? All three testlets seemed brutal to me, nothing got easier. I do believe this will be my first failure and see a rematch in my future!!!! I hate Auditing!

    REG 82 4113

    BEC 80 72213

    AUD 113013 ?????????????


    Took AUD yesterday 1130. Did anybody else feel like they were hit by a bus afterwards? All three testlets seemed brutal to me, nothing got easier. I do believe this will be my first failure and see a rematch in my future!!!! I hate Auditing!

    REG 82 4113

    BEC 80 72213

    AUD 113013 ?????????????


    Hi All, thanks again for the encouragement to take the AUD test…I was the crazy one that thought I could study for less than a week and pass AUD….I got through the test….raced through the MCQs and went with my instinct…only changing a couple answers…made it through them in 90 minutes…testlet 1 and 2 seemed the same and testlet 3 seemed easier….not a good sign I suspect…and then I decided to take a break…went to my locker and got a nutrition bar and cleared my head for five minutes and took a bathroom break..and then went into for the SIMS…they were “interesting” and thought-provoking…and I really don't know if I did well on a few…they were judgement calls..and it wasn't as cut and dry as I was expecting…the research question I couldn't find in the material exactly..and found something that was another judgement call answer..and made that my answer but expect I didn't get it right…I used the entire 2 hours, 25 minutes…I am glad I had that time…I however, enjoyed the test…It was a MIND game..thought it was a good test and yet I really don't know if I passed..not a clue..So I will keep you all posted..Today my whole body hurts…I'm mentally exhausted..and sitting here trying to recover…after BEC I felt the same way for a couple days… Enjoy December…and I'll be studying for REG next..or AUD again once I find out my scores on BEC and AUD.


    Hi All, thanks again for the encouragement to take the AUD test…I was the crazy one that thought I could study for less than a week and pass AUD….I got through the test….raced through the MCQs and went with my instinct…only changing a couple answers…made it through them in 90 minutes…testlet 1 and 2 seemed the same and testlet 3 seemed easier….not a good sign I suspect…and then I decided to take a break…went to my locker and got a nutrition bar and cleared my head for five minutes and took a bathroom break..and then went into for the SIMS…they were “interesting” and thought-provoking…and I really don't know if I did well on a few…they were judgement calls..and it wasn't as cut and dry as I was expecting…the research question I couldn't find in the material exactly..and found something that was another judgement call answer..and made that my answer but expect I didn't get it right…I used the entire 2 hours, 25 minutes…I am glad I had that time…I however, enjoyed the test…It was a MIND game..thought it was a good test and yet I really don't know if I passed..not a clue..So I will keep you all posted..Today my whole body hurts…I'm mentally exhausted..and sitting here trying to recover…after BEC I felt the same way for a couple days… Enjoy December…and I'll be studying for REG next..or AUD again once I find out my scores on BEC and AUD.


    I have a question for anybody knowledgeable about Becker. I'm taking AUD 12/05

    I just took a 90 question progress test, and scored 86, with a 78 in section one. The other five sections, were in the 83 to 100 range. I know your supposed to hit 90 on the multiple choice, to have a reasonable expectation of passing.

    However, I haven't hardly studied the sims at all. Would you memorize the sims first, and then hit section 1, or vice versa? I know this is more of a personal decision, but a little feedback would help.


    I have a question for anybody knowledgeable about Becker. I'm taking AUD 12/05

    I just took a 90 question progress test, and scored 86, with a 78 in section one. The other five sections, were in the 83 to 100 range. I know your supposed to hit 90 on the multiple choice, to have a reasonable expectation of passing.

    However, I haven't hardly studied the sims at all. Would you memorize the sims first, and then hit section 1, or vice versa? I know this is more of a personal decision, but a little feedback would help.


    I unsticked these so I'm giving it one last bump so the December people could find it.


    I unsticked these so I'm giving it one last bump so the December people could find it.

    Determined CPA

    @ Ancel – I would rotate between sims and progress tests. An 86 is a good score, I would feel confident taking a break for a few and doing some sims. Then go back to the questions. Looks like you're on a good track..good luck!

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.

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